Index | Back to Newsletter Index __________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________ > #2.01 January 2002 Published monthly by the INDIANA HOME EDUCATORS' NETWORK Archives: > Subscribe by e-mail: > Editor: Wendy Schlie > Production/Design: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > > "IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors as noted. >All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed. See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter. __________ CONTENTS ______________________________________________ > happy new year! > [1] Letter from the Editor past, present and this issue > [2] Letters from the Readers you read, you write, we read, we share > [3] Indiana's E-list Digest a monthly sampler of the riches available on IHEN's statewide networking e-list: "IndianaHomeschoolers" > [4] New "Keeper of the Lists" forget "Lord of the Rings!" we have a "List Master!" > [5] County Contacts, the Column speaking of volunteers... still need 'em! -- > [a] Contacts who's who; staff and volunteers e-mail addresses e-mail list addresses subscription instructions > [b] Copyrights/Distribution forwarding guidelines __________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR ________________________________ >[1] by wendy schlie, editor Dear Readers, Welcome to another issue of IHEN Journal and a New Year! Here's to hoping 2002 is better than 2001. For me, last year was one of the most interesting years I recall ever having. The first six months were pretty normal. I was pregnant with my son Matthew and working with Northwest Indiana Literacy Corps, a local AmeriCorps program, tutoring high school students in math and science. For those of you unfamiliar with AmeriCorps, it is a national service program, which was started in 1990 by then President Clinton. It's a great program that does many things from tutoring to family advocacy to computer training to forestry service. The participants are technically volunteers but they receive a living stipend and an education award (which may be used for any program at any accredited college or to pay on student loans). I've participated in two different programs & have greatly enjoyed both experiences. In another Editor's Note, I'll tell you more about my experiences. And I heartily recommend this to anyone who's interested in helping out in their community and a way to go to college. The best part of last year was, hands down, the birth of Matthew. He arrived on June 24th and he's the joy of our family. Big brother Thomas has taken on his role quite well and with very little jealousy (for which I am truly thankful). Matthew is affectionately called "Buddha" for he is a big boy. He started out at 9 lb. 5 oz. and 22 1/4 in. and has quickly grown to 26 lb. 5 oz. and 28 1/2 in. at the age of 6 months! Matthew is a happy baby and has helped greatly to keep us going thru the trials of the past year. The second half of 2001 could have been better. On the bright side, I officially started homeschooling Thomas. That has been going fairly well. We have our ups and downs, as I'm sure all homeschooling families have had. We're still working on our groove. Some days, Thomas will sit down and it goes smoothly and we get a lot done. Other days... Well, let's just say we're learning thru playing with Legos. :) On other fronts, financially the last six months have been a roller coaster ride and not one I want to repeat ever again. Unfortunately, the ride's not over yet, but hopefully by the next newsletter it will be. I've learned a lot from this ride though. First, you can homeschool without tons of school texts. :) As I may have mentioned before, this is my first year and I had hopes of getting books to help me make sure I cover everything. I worried a great deal about it. But, I think we're faring quite well without the books, so far. Second, you cannot have enough put aside for rainy days. Of course, it was quite impossible to predict the "rainy days" lasting quite so long. However, it has brought our family closer together and it reminded us of the value of family and friends. Towards the end of the year, I've gotten involved in two new organizations. First is IHEN. I'm looking forward to really getting it launched in the coming year. We've hit a lull in momentum with the recent holiday celebrations, but I think that now the New Year has started, we'll be able to really get the ball rolling. The other organization I'm involved with is actually a church. The Pastor and his wife are neighbors of mine and our boys are playing together almost daily. They are hoping to have the church planted and doors open by October. It'll be interesting for me helping these two organizations launch. Next month, I'll tell you about my adventures in teaching college students. I start teaching math courses at Ivy Tech this month. I'm very excited about the job. Teaching is something that I love doing and teaching at Ivy Tech will still allow me to homeschool without much interference. In this month's issue, we have a new feature, Letters to the Editor. I invite you to send in your comments on any articles or send in your questions. I cannot promise every one of the letters will make it into the newsletter, but I'll try to respond to them all. Also in this issue is a summation of the discussions on the IndianaHomeschoolers discussion list, plus an announcement about our new "E-list Keeper." See you next month! Wendy __________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS ______________________________ >[2] comments always welcome! Dear Wendy, [In the Premier Issue of "IHEN Journal," you wrote:] "IHEN stands for Indiana Home Educators Network, a new statewide homeschooling organization. We are here to help people with questions about homeschooling, support groups, laws, activities and other homeschooling information. Our goal is to educate those who are interested in homeschooling their own children or those who wish to understand homeschooling better. We also hope to be able to connect these people with experienced homeschoolers in their county." I'm not sure who I should address this question to. How does the IHEN differ in it's services to the Indiana home schooling community from the IAHE [the Indiana Association of Home Educators] with their regional reps.? Isn't the IHEN in many areas just duplicating efforts? Blessings, Lori C. _____ Reply __________ As I understand it, the plans IHEN has to help homeschoolers connect with other homeschoolers isn't trying to redo everything IAHE does. I believe one of the goals is to simply refer people to the right support group or individual that might be able to answer the parents' questions about homeschooling in Indiana, with no deference to that person's, or group's, affiliations. We felt the need for more contact people throughout the state, as our statewide networking and discussion e-mail list was regularly receiving questions from new or prospective homeschoolers, requesting information. [ >] We knew there were possibly hundreds of support groups and semi-regular gatherings of homeschoolers for one event or another, that it only made sense to try to find as many people who were well connected throughout their community to help local parents, new to homeschooling, find matches or simply answer those questions we all get from time to time. _____ Editor's Mail Box __________ E-mail your letters to: > IHEN Journal Editor __________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST _______________________________ >[3] by debbie harbeson During the month of November, the IndianaHomeschoolers List experienced the effects of some sort of electronic hiccup at YahooGroups and our list was down for several days. It has since been corrected. The only result of this mayhem is that the web page doesn't show archives by month before November, but they do exist. You can simply type the message number if you know it and go to that page. You can also go into the archives by clicking on November or December and then click previous to get back to older messages. Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list: - Numbers refer to message number in the archives at - YahooGroups. You must be a list subscriber to access the - archives and files. Subscription information is below. > Misc.: 5779 The month started off with a message about a positive homeschooling article in the newest issue of "HR Magazine" (Human Resources) called "Home is Where the School Is." > Local Group and Support Resources: 5781 Starting a lending library in Brown County 5780 Chess 5791 Message about using libraries to create resource centers for homeschoolers 5805 Homeschool discounts in Evansville 5816 Local Class Resource for Shakespeare's Macbeth 5823 Request for pen pals 5826 Acting classes and Scholastic book sale 5825 Nutcracker Ballet in Anderson 5833 Homeschool theater group > State Resources: 5820 Hoosier Hikers Council 5838 Homeschool Day at the Children's Museum Jan. 15 > Online Resources: 5806 Site for Software Downloads 5807 White House offers Freedom Timeline on website 5843 Christmas resources 5785 First Lego League Robotics Team Competitions > Interesting Discussion Threads on: * Homeschooling Science and using The Magic School bus as a resource * Testing requirement for Indiana and some legal happenings in Knox County _____ Shameless Plug __________ We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and Discussion list is probably one of the better statewide e-mail discussion lists going! And what makes it the best, first source for statewide homeschooling information and discussion? Our subscribers. Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not? It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really great "Perfect Gift Idea" from one of our famous "Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List, send an e-mail to: > Subscribe __________ LIST KEEPER ___________________________________________ >[4] by benjamin bennett Jessica Radtke has volunteered to keep a list of e-mail lists throughout Indiana. This is no small task, and I'm hesitant to say any more, for fear of giving her just enough information for her to realize what she's in for. :-) If you moderate or manage or own (whatever!) an e-mail discussion list (forum, e-list, board, whatever!) You might be seeing her name a little more often. DO NOT FEAR! Jessica is a lurker/subscriber with a good purpose! She has volunteered to keep the communication lines open between all the various homeschooling related e-mail lists and IHEN! It's a networking thing! IHEN wants to keep in touch with list moderators, web masters and support groups to make sure vital information is updated periodically, and that information about the list or group or web site (when ready) is uploaded to the IndianaHomeschoolers list files as well as the IHEN site when we get one. If you want, suggest that your list is cool enough to get mentioned in the "IHEN Journal!" Jessica could "make it so" in a flash. She's just that good! Jessica is just one more example of a go-getter homeschooling parent, helping out other homeschoolers and the new IHEN to get and stay organized. Why all this work? So that when you, average homeschooling parent, get that question for the one-thousandth time: "How do you homeschool?" you can say, "Subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list and find out for yourself. While you're at it, ask that question to 200 homeschoolers from around the state!" How's THAT for an easy answer? Thanks Jessica, for being yet another big help and good sport! Say hi when she pops into YOUR cozy little e-mail list for tea and a conversation! One last thing: If you are a list moderator or web master or have anything to do with homeschooling in Indiana, and you would like IHEN to know about it, e-mail your information to us at our organizational list: > Jessica hangs out there too! __________ COUNTY CONTACTS _______________________________________ >[5] by b. b. bennett & marla james We still need people to volunteer to be County Contacts. IHEN's goal is to have a volunteer parent homeschooler in every county of the state, available to answer questions via e-mail. Most of the questions will be from people referred from the IndianaHomeschoolers list, because they are interested in the support groups or activities that are going on in your county. We anticipate the e-mail traffic to be very low, but if you consider yourself "well connected" and can help out one or two new homeschoolers a year, wouldn't it be worth the time? We thought so. Here's how to get started: To volunteer as an IHEN County Contact, send your NAME, COUNTY, and E-MAIL ADDRESS to > or to our County Contact Tracker: Marla James at > See the "CONTACTS" section of the "IHEN Journal" for more important addresses. _____ COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE __________ We have volunteer IHEN County Contacts in the following counties: Boone | Delaware | Hamilton | Lake | Madison Marion | Owen | Porter | Starke | Steuben If your county isn't listed, and you think you can answer a few questions a month by e-mail, why not e-mail Marla and the address above and let her know you'd like to try being an IHEN County Contact! |IHEN| __________ CONTACTS ______________________________________________ >[a] who's who; what's where at IHEN All volunteers working to bring IHEN to Hoosier homeschoolers can be reached all at once by sending an e-mail to the IHEN Organizational e-list address > _____ IHEN Journal STAFF __________ EDITOR: Wendy Schlie > PRODUCTION: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > FREE SUBSCRIPTION: > SUBSCRIPTION PROBLEMS: > WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS: Ben Bennett > Debbie Harbeson > Marla James > _____ IHEN VOLUNTEERS _____________________________ > COUNTY CONTACTS COORDINATOR: Marla James > E-LIST RESOURCE LIST COORDINATOR: Jessica Radtke > IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS: Benjamin Bennett Debbie Harbeson > SUPPORT GROUP RESOURCE LIST COORDINATOR: Benjamin Bennett > _____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________ The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to "IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. Our e-mail lists are neither restricted to IHEN members nor to only homeschooling parents. The "IndianaHomeschoolers" list is open to anyone with an interest in educating their own children. We hope that by running our statewide networking list in this fashion, we will be able to communicate to anyone interested in homeschooling, the diversity and unique family affirming qualities the home learning lifestyle provides. Because of this philosophy, the topics and discussions on the "IndianaHomeschoolers" list are general in nature. Any secondary e-mail lists we promote or moderate in the future, will likely be more focused on specific needs. We will try to promote those Indiana lists in the future. If you moderate an Indiana homeschooling e-list, write to the Editor (Wendy) with your request for inclusion in our next issue > or our new E-list Resource Coordinator, Jessica Radtke > who will be gathering information for an e-mail discussion list, resource list. You can join any of the e-mail discussion lists below, by going to the web site, or sending a blank e-mail to the address given. Some lists may not be affiliated directly with IHEN or IHEN's members and are governed by their own rules of conduct as written by their moderators. Please read list rules and descriptions carefully before subscribing and posting: OFFICIAL IHEN E-MAIL NETWORKING LISTS: IndianaHomeschoolers: IHEN's Statewide Networking List > > IHEN-Org: IHEN's Organizational working e-list > > IHEN-News: Subscribe to the "IHEN Journal" > > *AFFILIATED E-MAIL NETWORKING LISTS: ----- **UNAFFILIATED E-MAIL NETWORKING LISTS: ----- * Affiliated lists are e-mail discussion lists where someone from IHEN knows and has had conversations with the list moderator. The list moderator agrees with the principles and mission of IHEN and while not speaking for IHEN, will attempt to conduct their e-mail list in a manner that reflects the mission and principles of IHEN. ** Unaffiliated e-mail lists are Indiana homeschooling discussion lists that have not chosen to affiliate with IHEN, but we feel are of enough interest to some parents to list them in our directory. That said, we can neither endorse, nor be held accountable to any actions, content or abuses that may occur on these discussion lists. As in all things, your mileage may vary. :-) If you feel any of these e-mail lists are not worthy of listing, you may forward your comments to the IHEN Organizational list address > for consideration. _____ [UN]SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS __________ To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address > and become part of this network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!! If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please e-mail > Subscribe UNsubscribe __________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION _______________________________ >[b] forwarding guidelines Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests by e-mail to > "IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home education in Indiana. |IHEN| _______________________________________________________________________ > eNewsLetter produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia > Top | Index | Back to Newsletter Index
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