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__________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________
> #2.07 July 2002

An e-mail newsletter, published monthly by the

__Archives: >

__Subscribe by e-mail: >

__IHEN web site: >

__Past issues of the IHEN Journal can be found at:

Managing Editor: Wendy Schlie

Editor: Debbie Harbeson

Publisher/Production/Design: Peach Grove Press/eMedia

"IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors as noted.
All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed.
See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter.

______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________
> welcome to the IHEN Journal!

__ reflecting on the start of it all

__ you read, you write, we read, we share
__ no... mom didn't write us. this one is better!

__ Jane Casey introduces herself and her new job title

__ a monthly sampler from IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list
__ a bit about why you'd like the "IndianaHomeschoolers" list

__ more lists and resources than you can count! a three part series.
__ educational philosophies and curricula - part 1 of 3

__ new improvements to make contacting each other, easier

> [7] OFF THE DEB END by debbie harbeson
__ it's time to cop a summer 'tude

__ LIFE learning center journal
__ thanks ben. site looks great. but you COULD do better!
__ IHEN post and win contest!!


__ who's who; staff and volunteers
__ e-mail addresses
__ e-mail list addresses
__ subscription instructions

__ forwarding guidelines

________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________
> by wendy schlie, managing editor

Greetings and welcome to another issue of the IHEN Journal!

As I sit at my computer, looking for some inspiration for this
month's letter, I start to think about the last year. My youngest son
turned 1 in June. Last year, I decided to give homeschooling a try to
see if it would work with my oldest and figured that this year was
perfect since I was going to be home anyway with the baby. Although,
I had really decided to homeschool years ago when I was pregnant with
my oldest. Here's a clue as to how totally geeky I am - seven years
ago, when I was pregnant with Thomas, I researched homeschooling on
the web. I remember printing out pages of info to read and share with
my spouse. There was not nearly as many sites devoted to homeschooling
then as now. I think I visited all of those that existed then in a
single afternoon.

I suppose you could say I've "homeschooled" from the start. I talked
to Thomas as much as I could and when he could speak, held
conversations with him. We read TONS of books and did lots of
exploring. I am doing the same now with Matthew. This past year was
more "official" in that we had a set goal to achieve a few things -
namely Thomas learning to read. I'm happy to say that he reads pretty
well for a beginner.

I've really enjoyed homeschooling this past year. I am looking
forward to keeping it going - I think I ended up learning just about
as much as Thomas has. And even though the year was nothing like I
planned or hoped it would be, it still turned out to be better than I

In this issue, we have a letter to the editor!! Our newsletter really
is being read! We also have another great article from Deb about
having a "summer 'tude". Jessica has put together a great list of
email lists covering various styles of homeschooling. Plus we have a
digest of the IndianaHomeschoolers discussion list. Lastly, IHEN now
has a board of directors to help take it to the next stage and we
have a letter from the President of the board, Jane Casey.

Enjoy your summer! Happy Fourth!

/s/ Wendy, Managing Editor, IHEN Journal

______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________

We know you're out there and reading. Why not drop us a line and let
us know what you think or what you think *we* should think.

While you're at it: tell a friend to subscribe to IHEN Journal. It's
the LEAST you can do to spread the word that homeschooling in 
Indiana is the coolest! Send e-mail to the following address:
> and you're there!
See... wasn't that easy? And your friends will thank you.
Maybe... in a letter to the editor. ;-)

_____ Editor's Mail Box __________


Thanks so much for sending this latest newsletter! It is packed with
so much information, I'm going to file it in my email so I can always
refer to it. I especially love the article about looking at the world
through "homeschool glasses." That was so ironic because my daughter
and I had just had lunch and discussed why we were so glad we decided
to try homeschooling this past year. We both remarked about how we had
been able to spend so much time appreciating nature and all its
wonders this past year. We have become quite avid birdwatchers and
even just got a pet parakeet that we are learning a lot about. It is
nice to have such a professionally done newsletter. Please keep up
the good work.

Happy Day & God Bless!

Kimberly K. Clements, RN, ADN, MAT



Thank you for your kind words! We are pleased to hear from you and
are glad that you enjoy our newsletter. I hope that this issue of the
newsletter is just as good. -MS

E-mail your thoughts, concerns, comments, questions or praise to:

_____________________________ LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT __________
> by jane casey, president, IHEN


Exciting things are happening with IHEN! We have had our first
face-to-face meeting, elected officers, and are working out the
financial and organizational details that will help us to be an
effective organization for Hoosier homeschoolers.

First, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jane Casey and
I am the recently-elected President of IHEN. My four children and I
have been homeschooling since 1996. Over three years ago I started
the IndianaHomeschoolers e-mail list and along with a handful of
others began working toward forming a statewide organization. The
purpose of the organization would be to help homeschoolers across the
state connect with other homeschoolers and with resources in their

We saw a need for a network that could connect homeschoolers of all
types with the support and opportunities that they were looking for.
We could see the beginnings of it on the IndianaHomeschoolers list,
but also envisioned a website, a network of county contacts, a
clearinghouse for information on homeschool groups and activities in
the state, and face-to-face meetings and activities.

In June of 2000, my husband was transferred to Illinois, and I
reluctantly left. Ben Bennett, Debbie Harbeson and Nancy Winningham
took over list owner and moderator duties. They did a wonderful job
and the lists have grown. IndianHomeschoolers is one of the
healthiest inclusive -- more about that word in a minute -- state
lists around. The past two years have also brought a website and
county contacts. My return to Indiana this spring seems to have
coincided perfectly with the readiness of this fledgling group to

Back to inclusive for a moment. You aren't going to hear that word
from us a lot. We hope you see it in action instead. But because it
has become a bit of a buzzword I want to address what we mean by it.
We mean that we are here for all homeschoolers. Regardless. We are
here for the most fundamentalist Christian or the most emphatic
atheist. We are here for the loosest unschooler or the strictest
adherent to the classical method or the most eclectic mixer of
methods and materials. We hope in time that we will be able to help
any homeschooler in Indiana find the kind of support that he or she
is looking for. This doesn't mean that we will all always agree. In
fact, it practically insures that we won't. But I believe that it is
vitally important that homeschoolers learn to stick together across
the lines that often divide us.

So, back to the action. What are we doing and what can you do? If you
want to help with the nuts and bolts, subscribe to This is our working list. Go to the website
and see if there is a county contact for your county. If not, sign up!
Tell your homeschooling friends about the e-mail list and our
organization. We are working on details for offering memberships and
will be sharing that with all of you soon. We really want this to be
a NETWORK of Hoosier homeschoolers helping each other!

/s/ Jane Casey, President, IHEN >


Subscribe to e-mail lists by sending a blank e-mail to:

__ IHEN Organizational Committee List

__ IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List

__ E-mail the Directors of IHEN

__ IHEN web site

_______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________
> by debbie harbeson, editor

List members found themselves using their "Well-Trained Minds" to
read, discuss, and learn all about the interesting topics and news
items posted on the list this month.

If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website
> and click on
messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number
on the search box where it says Msg #.

(Numbers refer to message number in the archives at YahooGroups. You
must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files.
Subscription information is below.)

Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list:

6694 Message that we have a college admissions person on the list
     from Ball State. E-mail >
6812 Message listing Indiana schedule of homeschooling author Tamara

6611 Various online resources for homeschoolers
6655 The Young Patriots Series of Biographies for Children
6686 Free copy Feminist Homeschooler Zine is available
6717 A message with lots of advice and resources for new
6724 Algebra Times Newsletter
6728 Math/Science resource >
6770 Site to search for college scholarships >

* Continuing thread on book resources for young readers that melded
  into a discussion on books for the adults as well.
* Thread on favorite places to travel in Indiana.

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, send an email to: 

_____ ABOUT THE IndianaHomeschoolers LIST __________

We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and Discussion
list is probably one of the better (definately the largest, by
subscriber numbers) statewide e-mail discussion lists going!

And what makes it the best, first source for statewide
homeschooling information and discussion? Our subscribers.

Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are
some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't
subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not?
It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really
great "Summer Indiana Fishing Hole" from one of our famous
"Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) 

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion
List, send e-mail to:

_________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________
> by jessica radtke


[Editor's note: Jessica's list was very long, so we have broken it up
into sections. This month's focus is on lists dealing with specific
books and/or authors that homeschoolers follow, as well as one list
for personal reading and discussion. NEXT MONTH: Lists for math and
specific curriculums/schools. And in SEPTEMBER: Lists for unit
studies and unschoolers.]

A recent search for more information on a particular educational
"style" led to this month's topic. During my search I found so many
wonderful sounding lists that I just had to pass them along. This
month's "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line" features the various e-mail
lists that I have run across that pertain to specific educational
philosophies and curricula. I hope you find something of use to you
and your family!


"Home educators, who desire implementing Charlotte Mason methods
along with their use of the classical educational philosophy
described in the book "The Well-Trained Mind", this list is for you!"

"The participants on this list discuss the book "The Well-Trained
Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home" by Jessie Wise and
Susan Wise Bauer."

"The families on this list discuss the book "The Well-Trained Mind: A
Guide to Classical Education at Home" by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise
Bauer. This group is open to all homeschooling families who are
interested in learning more about classical education methods. This
list is here to discuss how to implement TWTM into everyday life and
all that goes along with it."

"This is a list for homeschoolers using a classical education,
specifically following the "Well Trained Mind." This is not a
religious list. Anyone who wants to create a classical education for
their child(ren) is welcome to join us."


"This list is for teachers who use the WRTR ["The Writing Road to
Reading," by Romalda Bishop Spalding] text in their classrooms or
homeschool, and for those inquiring about the WRTR methodology. All
teachers, and potential teachers, of the WRTR are invited. However,
it should be noted that the list owner, Susan Davis, is a home
educator and utilizes "Reading Works" by Jay Patterson as a companion
manual for teaching the WRTR; this list will undoubtedly reflect
Susan's bias." >

"Prairie Primer Today is an interesting community of those who
utilize the Prairie Primer by Margie Gray as the base for their
homeschooling efforts. The Prairie Primer is a literature based unit
study approach to the Little House book series by Laura Ingalls
Wilder." >

"This list is for Homeschoolers who are currently using the Shurley
Method or who are wanting to learn about it."

"If you are a homeschooler using the Core Knowledge books as the
basis for your curriculum, this list is for you! Let's share ideas
about using CK and other resources."

"This is a list for homeschoolers using the LLATL materials (Learning
Language Arts Through Literature). I would like to share your ideas
and thoughts about using these materials."

"We are homeschooling families who are using the classical approach
to education as outlined in the book "Designing Your Own Classical
Curriculum" by Laura Berquist or her independent study program "Mother
of Divine Grace". Our goal is to give practical support to Christian
families using this approach."

"Homeschooling...Ruth Beechick Style! Ruth Beechick Style
Homeschooling is an Eclectic approach which focuses on natural
learning through Real Books and Real Life. BasicallyBeechick is a
Christian homeschool support group to discuss the methods and ideas
of Dr. Ruth Beechick. Other authors whose ideas mesh well with
Beechick's will be discussed as well. These authors include Rebecca
Rupp, Jean Soyke, E.D. Hirsch, Robin Scarlata, Jane Claire Lambert,
Valerie Bendt, Clay & Sally Clarkson, Cindy Rushton, Mary Hood, and
Charlotte Mason" >

"This is list for all homeschoolers who are interested in the
Principle Approach methodology. It is intended to be a place for
people to discuss the Principle Approach and its use in
homeschooling." >


"This group is dedicated to reading the Classics. For starters we
will be focusing on Oliver DeMille's book lists, but we will do other
books as desired. Though this group is mainly dedicated to
Homeschooling families, others are welcome to join as long as
comments are kept positive in regards to educational choices. The
reading schedule will not be strenuous because we often don't have a
lot of time to dedicate to personal reading outside of school."

Over the next few months I will be showcasing on-line resources
representing specific educational methods and subjects, low-cost
curriculum sources, and more. If you have or know of an on-line
resource that you would like to see listed in the "Hoosier
Homeschoolers On-line" portion of the IHEN Journal, send the
information to Jessica Radtke at: >


__ You can find some of the books mentioned above on the IHEN web
site. The book "The Well Trained Mind" is even right there on the
home page. Buying books at through the IHEN web site helps
to support IHEN and the services they provide, like this great
newsletter, and the web site itself!

_______________________________________ COUNTY CONTACTS __________
> by b. b. bennett & marla james

New IHEN County Contact volunteers are coming in! One at a time,
but they're coming. If you are an experienced homeschooler or you are
well connected in your local community, and want to help other
homeschoolers in your area keep up with all the great things there
are for homeschoolers in your county... why not sign up?

You probably know the drill now: We want to have an IHEN contact
person in every county in Indiana. It's only 90 or so. Can't be that
hard! Well, we have news that will make the deal sweeter.

We're getting a new e-mail list online that will be just for IHEN
County Contacts. This will be the address where all IHEN Contact
e-mail will be sent, and and all available contacts will be
corresponding with each other, and helping each other help other
Hoosier homeschoolers.

No more private e-mail addresses for IHEN business, and a system with
accountability build right into it.

Sounds like a better deal than before? Well it should! 'Cause it is!
So what are you waiting for?

Here's how to get started:

To volunteer as an IHEN County Contact, send your NAME, COUNTY,
and E-MAIL ADDRESS to > or to our
County Contact Tracker, Marla James at:

Marla will get you more details and arrange for your subscription to
the County Contact list. After that, it's up to you and the other
County Contacts to start building a portfolio of local information
for homeschoolers that will rival none!

_____ COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE __________

We have volunteer IHEN County Contacts in the following

Allen | Boone | Delaware | Grant | Hamilton | Lake
Madison | Marion | Owen | Porter | Starke | Steuben

If your county isn't listed, and you think you can answer a few
questions a month by e-mail, why not e-mail Marla and the
address above and let her know you'd like to give this IHEN
County Contact thing a go! You can also see the current list of
contacts on the web at >

_______________________________________ OFF THE DEB END __________
> by debbie harbeson


When I was a kid, I looked forward to summer. Summer meant colorful
flowers, warm weather and swimming. But most of all, summer meant no
school. I was more relaxed. I felt less pressure. I felt free.

When I first began homeschooling, I looked forward to summer. Summer
meant colorful flowers, warm weather and swimming. But most of all,
summer meant no school. I was more relaxed. I felt less pressure. I
felt free.

Then gradually, I realized I didn't feel the same way about summer. I
wasn't more relaxed. I didn't feel less pressure. I didn't feel a
change in my sense of freedom. Our homeschool had become relaxed the
entire year.

As I watched my kids and read books about education and learning, my
sense of what a homeschool should be changed. I saw that during the
summer months, my kids did not stop learning and exploring. As a
matter of fact, they seemed to learn better when I relaxed and got
out of the way. I didn't think about whether it was "school" time or
summertime. I held on to the attitude of summer the whole year. I let
my kids have more freedom to explore their interests like they did
during the summer. We just lived the pattern of our life, learning

Some schools are making the change to school year round. Our family
decided to make the change to no-school year round. You can too.
Relax and watch your kids this summer. Jot down what they do. Read
some books on education and learning. Then let that attitude of
summer relaxation penetrate your mind throughout the entire year.

Sure, our summers are still different because the world around us is
different. Not just the weather, but also other kids are around, and
activities are planned in order to accommodate the kids in
institutional schools. So we will never get away from that, but your
attitude can remain the same.

Keep the summer 'tude all year long. You don't have to get uptight.
Follow your own schedule and your own child's pace. That's your
advantage as a homeschooler.

I hope you end up with the problem I did: finding it harder and
harder to answer the question of when school is out for the summer.

____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________

> by betty malone

LIFE Learning Center is on summer hiatus as is much of any formal
learning in Indiana, but homeschoolers know that the summer is one of
the best times to learn. Gardens, hiking, field trips, festivals,
outdoor museums; all of these events beckon us with numerous
opportunities for learning. To me all of these activities idealize
what a learning community should and can be - a place where learners
can come together or alone and experience natural learning.

At LIFE Learning Center, several of us are working to develop further
the areas of our building into more exciting learning places. The art
room continues to be developed with new supplies, larger tables,
painting doors, designing decorations, etc.

Next door to the art room, we have a smaller classroom that we are
going to turn into a pre-school type experimental room with sand and
water tables, lots of Legos and manipulatives, and hands-on learning
toys. Because we are on an extremely limited budget, (none!) we are
scouring garage sales, making our own manipulatives, and doing
learning on a shoestring. That's nothing new for homeschoolers is it?!

We have lots of neighborhood children in the Boys Club for the summer
programs and Diann Herzog and myself are spending lots of hours
working with these new friends. We are continually enchanted with the
thirst for learning that we see expressed, the desire to try new
activities and attempt new tasks. It's an exciting venture for both
of us and I understand why some people wish to be teachers. There is
great joy in seeing a young child experiment and learn new tasks,
create small masterpieces and express joy in their learning.

What a wonderful place schools could be if we could capture that in
the big picture. Unfortunately I don't personally think we can, I see
the frustration of keeping order, following schedules, maintaining
discipline. It's frustrating to me, and how much more so to the
children who have to spend their days in that environment. I loved
school as a child; I never didn't like it. I wonder how we have come
so far awry that we have lost that feeling. There are few children
these days who claim to love school. But when I walk in the door of
the Boys and Girls Club and children rush toward me and say "Mrs. B.
What are we doing in art today?" I know I am making the right choice
for this time and this place.

Betty Malone is a Committee Member of Home Schools United in
Anderson, and the LIFE Learning Center Program Coordinator. She can
be reached by e-mail at >

> by ben bennett

There is a near, and a far sighted aspect of web site design, and I'm
trying not to adopt multiple personalities as I grapple with both in
the same head. Simply, I need help. But you knew that already. Right?

Many of you know that I am the IndianaHomeschoolers list
co-moderator; moderator of the always interesting AltEdDiscourse
discussion list; a consultant for other organizations who wish to use
e-mail lists (e-lists) as a form of communication; the founder of an
organization I call the Alternative Educators' Network > that supports the efforts of IHEN; a
challenging debator; a part-time (when there's time) web designer;
and -- oh -- I'm a Full-Time homeschooling Dad to three children, 3,
5 and 8! 

To top it off, I'm producing this newsletter from Deb's wonderfully
edited copy this evening, so you all can read it first thing, July

Why am I babbling when I should be sleeping? Well, I've been
wondering how I can ask everyone interested in IHEN and their web
site, if they would please, when convenient, go to the current web
site, and pick it apart? Yes. Shread it with cold serious critique.

I know it sounds odd, and it IS almost 2 am, but I'm serious. I want
people to go to the IHEN web site and have the best experience, the
easiest information find they can have. And it isn't going to happen
unless people go to the site and tell me why it blows and where it
crashes and where it just plain is wrong! :-)

So, go to > and start taking notes. Come
up with some ideas for items or pages YOU would like to see on IHEN's
site. We'll promise we'll do what we can, and I promise my feelings
won't be hurt.

Really. Send your comments to >

Ben does so many things it's hard to keep track. He formed the
Alternative Educators' Network for, among other things, helping
support groups get better organized, and to help parents decide that
they can, in fact, leave the State Schools behind and try out this
homeschooling thing. His business, Peach Grove Press/eMedia is
helping to design the IHEN web site and is even hosting the pages
until IHEN gets its own domain. You can write to him at

_____ IHEN POST AND WIN CONTEST __________

We thought it would be fun to have a little contest to promote IHEN's
"newness" and to show just how fun we really can be sometimes when we
have been drinking too much coffee. So here's the short and sweet of

We are going to give something away every month, to the lucky poster
to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, who's post number is drawn by
random (computer generated actually) from the previous month's posts
to the list. Everyone who sends a post within the month is eligible,
except the usual suspects like the directors, or that Ben guy or IHEN
big-time volunteers. You can win once a year, unless there is a
special contest where eligibility is changed for that specific

It's free as e-mail to enter. Just send a post to the
IndianaHomeschoolers list sometime in July. The more interesting
things you post, the greater your chances.

So what about June, you're wondering? A random number will be drawn
from the available post numbers for June, during the first week of
July. That person will win... ready? A $10 shopping spree at Staples,
courtesy of Ben Bennett, who got several discount cards to that very
store a couple weeks ago! They're only good where he lives, so he'll
buy what you want and send it to you!!! Stay tuned to this newsletter
list, for the special bulletin within the week!

And keep those cards and letters coming boys and girls!!!


______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________
> who's who; what's where at IHEN

All volunteers working to bring IHEN to Hoosier homeschoolers can
be reached all at once by sending an e-mail to the IHEN
Organizational e-list address >
The current web site address for IHEN, where you can see up to
date information, resources and online versions of this newsletter
is at: >

_____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________

EDITOR: Debbie Harbeson >
PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


__ Ben Bennett >
__ Jane Casey >
__ Debbie Harbeson >
__ Marla James >
__ Betty Malone >
__ Jessica Radtke >
__ Joe (Coach) Stull >


__ Jane Casey, President
__ Deb Harbeson, Vice President
__ Wendy Schlie, Treasurer




IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS:
__ Benjamin Bennett
__ Debbie Harbeson


> chess@thewordsofeternallife

_____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________

The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to
"IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for
networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. Our e-mail lists are
neither restricted to IHEN members nor to only homeschooling parents.
The "IndianaHomeschoolers" list is open to anyone with an interest in
educating their own children. We hope that by running our statewide
networking list in this fashion, we will be able to communicate to
anyone interested in homeschooling, the diversity and unique family
affirming qualities the home learning lifestyle provides.

Because of this philosophy, the topics and discussions on the
"IndianaHomeschoolers" list are general in nature. Any secondary
e-mail lists we promote or moderate in the future, will likely be
more focused on specific needs. We will try to promote those Indiana
lists in the future. If you moderate an Indiana homeschooling e-list,
write to the Editor (Debbie) with your request for inclusion in our
next issue > or our new E-list
Resource Coordinator, Jessica Radtke > who will
be gathering information for an e-mail discussion list, resource list.

You can join any of the e-mail discussion lists below, by going to
the web site, or sending a blank e-mail to the address given. Some
lists may not be affiliated directly with IHEN or IHEN's members and
are governed by their own rules of conduct as written by their
moderators. Please read list rules and descriptions carefully before
subscribing and posting:


__ IndianaHomeschoolers: IHEN's Statewide Networking List

__ IHEN-Org: IHEN's Organizational working e-list

__ IHEN-News: Subscribe to the "IHEN Journal"


To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all
you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN
Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address
> and become part of this
network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!!

If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please
e-mail >


_______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________
> forwarding guidelines

Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the
author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this
publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in
writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests
by e-mail to >

"IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana
Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint
and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the
newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright
notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home
education in Indiana.


> eNewsLetter produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia >
... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network.
AEN members believe "All Parents are Educators.
What are You Teaching YOUR Children?ª"

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Copyright ©2002–2008,  All Rights Reserved. > IHEN E-mail Directory >  Read IHEN's Mission Statement

Web production and consulting services provided by:
Bennett and Company