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__________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________
> #2.08 August 2002

An e-mail newsletter, published monthly by the

__Archives: >

__Subscribe by e-mail: >

__IHEN web site: >

__Back issues of the IHEN Journal can be found at:

Managing Editor: Wendy Schlie

Editor: Debbie Harbeson

Publisher/Production/Design: Peach Grove Press/eMedia

"IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors as noted.
All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed.
See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter.

______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________
> it's summer-time, summer-time, sum sum summer-time...

__ the summer understudy speaks

__ you read, you write, we read, we share

__ the summer understudy speaks - part II

__ if you ask... they will answer
__ a monthly sampler from IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list
__ plus why "IndianaHomeschoolers" is THE list for YOU

__ more lists and resources than you can count!
__ math and specific curiculums/schools - part 2 of 3

__ something new every month. this month is no different.

> [7] OFF THE DEB END by debbie harbeson
__ trust the experts

__ LIFE learning center journal
__ don't blink! new stuff in a nutshell.
__ IHEN's post to win contest! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!


__ who's who; staff and volunteers
__ e-mail addresses
__ e-mail list addresses
__ subscription instructions

__ forwarding guidelines

________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________
> by wendy schlie, managing editor

Man! Is it hot or WHAT? Wendy and Jane picked perfect times to go
swimming or something. I'm sure whatever they're doing, it's cooler.

Summer is usually the time everything gets so hot, it slows down
(contrary to what your science textbooks tell you.) But on
communications media like e-mail lists, this phenomina is true. Until
about... NOW!

August is promising to be a gangbuster month, with all kinds of
things happening... mostly on the IndianaHomeschoolers list. We have
more subscribers coming on the list daily. We have more people
offering advice and resource suggestions than ever. We have a new
IHEN County Contact list where the new volunteer County Contacts can
coordinate efforts. It's becoming a good thing!

Oh! Books have been the side chat of choice lately, so IHEN set up a
special Books and Reading discussion list! A name you might know...
starts with "Becca" moderates this open chat list about the books
homeschoolers in Indiana are reading. Check out what we have to say
about it here, then subscribe tonigt!

There is obviously more to write about, but I still have to write
something to fill in for Jane Casey, IHEN's President, and get this
out to you all.

Happy reading!

/s/ B. B. Bennett, sitting in for the COOL, Wendy Schlie, Managing
Editor, IHEN Journal

______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________

We know you're out there and reading. Why not drop us a line and let
us know what you think or what you think *we* should think.

While you're at it: tell a friend to subscribe to IHEN Journal. It's
the LEAST you can do to spread the word that homeschooling in 
Indiana is the coolest! Send e-mail to the following address:
> and you're there!
See... wasn't that easy? And your friends will thank you.
Maybe... in a letter to the editor. ;-)

_____ Editor's Mail Box __________

Empty this month. Maybe everyone's on a vacation somewhere. :-) Maybe
when you get back, you'll let us know how it went. Did you remember
your postcards?
E-mail your thoughts, concerns, comments, questions or praise to:

_____________________________ LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT __________
> by jane casey, president, IHEN

Ben here: I'm back!

If you read the opening letter, you know that I'm filling in for both
Wendy and Jane this month. I think they're staying cool and resting up
for the big month ahead!

Did I mention above, that IHEN seems to be growing by leaps and
bounds every week? We are starting up new discussion lists, ramping
up our IHEN County Contacts and even redesigning our web site... with
a new domain and everything! It's a good month to get in on the
action. When the school year starts, and the coolness settles in and
people hang around their computers more... it's going to get crazy!
Just like we like it.

Don't forget to tell at least 3 friends this month, that they should
sign on to the IndianaHomeschoolers list.

Betty Malone in Anderson aparently more than did her job. The rumor
is, she gave a talk at a library yesterday (7/31) and in this
morning's Anderson Herald Bulletin... there are some mentions of IHEN
and even a mention of our web site: >

You think she met her quota of three? LOL!! If you're ever in a
"Media Situation" like Betty, make sure to let us know about it. In
advance if you can. We can provide all the digital information you
may need to help the reporters hopping along. :-) We're nice that way.

We'll see if Betty can relate her experience with the press in next
month's newsletter. For now, enjoy this month, relieved in the
knowledge that Jane and Wendy will be back next month. :-)

/s/ B. B. Bennett, also sitting in for Jane Casey, President, IHEN 


Subscribe to e-mail lists by sending a blank e-mail to:

__ IHEN Organizational Committee List

__ IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List

__ E-mail the Directors of IHEN

__ IHEN web site

_______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________
> by debbie harbeson, editor

We should make a new movie called "If You Ask It, They Will Come,"
because several parents posted questions and our great list members
came out from behind their monitors and responded with tons of
information and good discussion.

We also had another hot topic to debate when the Pledge of Allegiance
ruling came out recently. Homeschoolers and scouting was another
subject that brought out lots of discussion and it looks like we have
some volunteers to collect resources on this for IHEN. We had regular
postings of education news and film reviews. And you thought email
lists took a break in the summer!


If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website
> and click on
messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number
on the search box where it says Msg #.

(Numbers refer to message number in the archives at YahooGroups. You
must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files.
Subscription information is below.)

Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list:

6815 Teaching Reading Seminar in Louisville, KY. August 23 and 24
6955 Homeschool Dance Classes in Indianapolis Area
6983 Post about resources at Indianapolis Library
6990 Information on Homeschool Fair in Marion County August 3rd.

6930 List of Speaking Dates/Locations for homeschool author Tamara Orr
6991 High School Debate Clubs in Indiana

6820 New unschooling website: 
6870 Web sites for grade level course of study information

* Thread on best state to homeschool in if choices are IN, KY and OH
* Thread on interpreting registration law in Indiana
* Thread on Pledge of Allegiance controversy
* Thread on scouting for homeschoolers
* Thread on reasons to homeschool 

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, send an email to: 

_____ ABOUT THE IndianaHomeschoolers LIST __________

We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and Discussion
list is probably one of the better (definately the largest, by
subscriber numbers) statewide e-mail discussion lists going!

And what makes it the best, first source for statewide
homeschooling information and discussion? Our subscribers.

Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are
some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't
subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not?
It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really
great "Summer-time Indiana Fishing Hole" from one of our famous
"Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) 


__ Subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list by e-mail

_________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________
> by jessica radtke


[Editor's note: Jessica's list was very long, so we have broken it up
into sections. This month's focus is on lists dealing with specific
books and/or authors that homeschoolers follow, as well as one list
for personal reading and discussion. NEXT MONTH: Lists for unit
studies and unschoolers.]

A recent search for more information on a particular educational
"style" led to this month's topic. During my search I found so many
wonderful sounding lists that I just had to pass them along. This
month's "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line" features the various e-mail
lists that I have run across that pertain to specific educational
philosophies and curricula. I hope you find something of use to you
and your family!


"Lovers and users of the Math-U-See program."

"The Miquon-Key email list is open to all homeschooling parents using
Miquon Math, The Key To... Series and/or Singapore Math curriculum to
teach their children mathematics. We hope that this group will be an
invaluable source of information, ideas and support. All math
discussion is welcomed!"

"This group is for anyone who uses Saxon or wants to use it and has
questions about it. Any tips, advice, and support is helpful."


"AmblesideOnline is a support group for families using the Ambleside
Online Curriculum. The Ambleside Online curriculum was designed to be
as close as possible to the curriculum that Charlotte Mason used in
her own PNEU schools, considering our present limitations which
include the limited availability of high quality, accurate books. "

"Welcome to a friendly group of parents who are either using the
Calvert Home Study Curriculum or who are thinking about it. Here you
can find out more about Calvert, get tips on practically any aspect
of using Calvert with your children, ask questions, share your
expertise, and fellowship with other Calvert users."

"This list is for discussing Oak Meadow curriculum."

"For those students, parents of students and anyone else interested
in or enrolled in high-school correspondence courses (e.g. American
School, Keystone). Please note that this forum is not officially
affiliated with Keystone, American School or any other high-school
independent-study program."

"For Secular homeschooler that use Sonlight Curriculum. Share your
modifications and extensions of SL curriculm here."

"The Clonlara Parents Mailing List is for Clonlara parents to get and
keep in touch with each other, share ideas on field trips and
projects, offer support and encouragement, just shoot the breeze, and
more. It's main purpose is to draw the whole Clonlara "family" closer


"WE Homeschool [WE_HS] is a forum open to all. While the majority of
our members are Waldorf-inspired homeschoolers, anyone with an
interest in Waldorf Education and/or homeschooling may join. We are
an inclusive list and we represent a wide spectrum of faiths, life
philosophies, and geographic locations. All levels of familiarity
with the Waldorf philosophy are welcome though a basic, working
knowledge of the core tenets is assumed and appreciated."

"A discussion forum and resource community for persons interested in
home/unschooling with an emphasis on the Waldorf school curriculum
and the pedagogical ideals of Rudolf Steiner"

Next month, I will be showcasing even more on-line resources
representing specific educational methods and subjects, low-cost
curriculum sources, and more. If you have or know of an on-line
resource that you would like to see listed in the "Hoosier
Homeschoolers On-line" portion of the IHEN Journal, send the
information to Jessica Radtke at: >

__ You can find some of the books mentioned in this series on the
IHEN web site. The book "The Well Trained Mind" is right on the home
page. Buying books at through the IHEN web site helps to
support IHEN and the services they provide, like this free newsletter!

_______________________________________ COUNTY CONTACTS __________
> by b. b. bennett & marla james

New IHEN County Contact volunteers are coming in! In fact, we added
three new counties to our list just this month. If you are an
experienced homeschooler or you are well connected in your local
community, and want to help other homeschoolers in your area keep up
with all the great things there are for homeschoolers in your
county... why not sign up?

How do you get involved? Glad you asked! The first step to finding
out what IHEN County Contacts are all about would be to join and our
IHEN Organizational Committee group. (Address below)

By now, you know we want to have an IHEN contact person in every
county in Indiana. It's only 90 or so. Can't be that hard! Well, we
have news that will make the deal sweeter.

Like we promised last month, IHEN has created a special forum (yup!
another e-mail list) that will be just for IHEN County Contacts. This
will be the address where all IHEN Contact e-mail will be sent, and
where (virtually) all IHEN County Contacts will be corresponding with
each other, and helping each other help other Hoosier homeschoolers.

No more private e-mail addresses for IHEN business, and a system with
accountability built into it.

Sounds like a better deal than before? Well it should! 'Cause it is!
So what are you waiting for?

Here's how to get started:

To volunteer as an IHEN County Contact, subscribe to IHEN's
Organizational Committee's "working" list. > and start getting to know the
"worker bees" a little better. Introduce yourself and let everyone
know you are interested in becoming a County Contact. Marla James is
our Coordinator for the IHEN-CC's and you can write to her via the
Organizational list or directly at: >

Marla will get you more details and later, arrange for your
subscription to the County Contact list. After that, it's up to you
and the other County Contacts to start building a portfolio of local
information for homeschoolers that will rival none!

_____ COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE __________

Check out the current IHEN County Contacts on our web site, at the
top of our "Top 5 Favorite Links and Resources" page:

If you don't see a name in your county.... Well, you know what to do.

If you want to send mail to the IHEN County Contacts no matter what
county, you can write to: > and they'll get
your message.

__ IHEN County Contacts Web Page

__ IHEN County Contacts E-mail Address

__ Marla James, IHEN-CC List Moderator and County Contact Coordinator

__ IHEN Organizational Committee Subscription Address

_______________________________________ OFF THE DEB END __________
> by debbie harbeson


I was deep into one of the many books I've read about learning and
education when Keith tugged on my shirt and asked, "Mom, are nuts
also seeds?"

"Yes," I answered quickly, trying to get back to my book.

"Well, where do walnuts come from?"

"From a walnut tree of course," I replied, not lifting my head from
the page.

"Oh, so my friend Aaron could grow another tree if he planted them."

I looked up. "What?" He was still there. "Oh, well, yeah. Did you
finish your workbook pages yet?" I wanted to get back to my reading.
What the heck was he asking these questions for anyway? We already
did a unit on plants last year. Did he forget everything?

He finally went off to do something else and I dove back to my
reading about what the experts say my kids need to know and when they
need to know it.

But then Melissa tapped me on the shoulder, "Mom what's convex mean?"
I quickly explained it to her and she stuck her belly out and said,
"Oh, so now my belly is convex!"

We all laughed. Then Keith stomped around with his gut out and his
arms out to his side saying, "Sumo wrestlers are really convex,
aren't they?" More laughter and the next thing I know we are in a fun
discussion full of interesting twists and turns.

When I had a chance to go back to my books, an idea hit me quicker
than a Sumo wrestler can clear out a buffet: I was looking for my
answers in the wrong place! I finally realized no matter how much I
read about what a child needs to know or research the best age to
study a particular subject, these authors didn't know my kids and
what questions and thoughts could come up on any given day. The books
were good resources but I tended to get too bogged down when reading

What my kids need to know are the answers to their questions. I could
treat my kids as unique individuals and follow their lead, answer
their questions and help them learn what they already were curious
about. After all my searching, I finally found the experts.

____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________

> by betty malone

LIFE Learning Center news from Anderson, Indiana

For those of us involved in preparing co-op classes for homeschool
groups, now is the time when we begin to put together fall schedules
or ideas for group learning. As a homeschooling mother and
coordinator of a learning center concept, it's important that we
balance our own children's time needed for one to one homeschooling
and their need for group activity. We are a social people; we love to
gather together and commune! And our children love it too! I would
like to ask for those who receive this newsletter to e-mail me at
> with their great ideas for group activities.
But in the mean time, I have picked a few ideas and fleshed them out
for your group to consider as possibilities for great group learning
experiences. There are many activities that almost require a group
experience or else a place bigger than your kitchen or family room
for learning.

Drama: A drama group is my personal favorite group activity.
Obviously it's hard to present a play with a normal size family,
unless you're the Von Trapps of Sound of Music Fame! A coordinator or
group of parents don't need professional training to lead a drama

There are several good books on staging plays. One of my favorites is
"Kids Take the Stage" by Lenka Peterson and Dan O'Connor, ISBN
#0-8230-7742-x. The authors ran a highly successful middle school
drama program for many years with famous future stars like Robin
Williams in their group of kids! Who knows, you might just have a
future star amongst you. Viola Spolin's book Theater Games for the
Classroom is another classic that is full of great theater teaching

It is important in drama groups that you have parental support. It is
a time- consuming activity to stage a play. Our group started by doing
some small skits and playlets one spring, and then moved on to a
full-length play the following year. This year we are considering a
musical or a Shakespeare production. But we have learned with each
production and are preparing for this challenge now!

Theater allows children to work together, to have patience, to
concentrate, to become comfortable in front of an audience, and to
read better. Education happens and they are having so much fun, they
aren't even aware of it!

Another fantastic group activity is a foreign language. Perhaps
someone in your group of parents is already fluent in Spanish or
German. You can hire a tutor to teach the group. This is what we did
and it worked wonderfully. The group practice is essential in
learning to speak the language. There are many wonderful Spanish
materials present in our libraries and bookstores. Most libraries are
slowly building Spanish sections, even in children's picture books,
which are great for beginning learners. Our parents are learning
Spanish right along with the kids and we are planning a trip to
Mexico in a couple of years. As for now, there are Spanish fairs,
Spanish field trips to museums, and our favorite, Spanish field trips
to our favorite Mexican restaurant where everyone has to speak Spanish
as we eat!

Group activities like the two highlighted above allow our children
and their parents to form close bonds of kinship and community, in a
more meaningful way than public school activities are able. Together
the group chooses the learning activity, they figure out how to
achieve their learning goals, and cooperate and work together to
achieve their goals. That is learning in itself, the best kind. We
should realize that homeschooling allows us to offer one to one
teaching in those subjects that require it, like math or English. A
learning community allows us to share and connect our learning goals
in fun and meaningful ways. Using our imaginations and creativity to
choose and run group activities can enrich our children's
homeschooling experience in many ways.

Further suggestions for group activities: art classes, unit studies
on a certain historical era, literature group, newspaper club,
outdoor education groups, science labs, and sport clinics.

Pick an activity and offer it to other parents. Get together and plan
who is going to do what, pick a place and length of time activity will
be offered. Share responsibility, and my most important point-Involve
children in the planning and choosing. It is their learning activity!

See you next month with more learning center discussions.

Betty Malone is a Committee Member of Home Schools United in
Anderson, and the LIFE Learning Center Program Coordinator. She can
be reached by e-mail at >


__ Buy books like "Kids Take the Stage" by Lenka Peterson and Dan
O'Connor at, by clicking on the link below. IHEN is an Associalte, which means that supporting IHEN is as easy as
buying that book you always wanted! Start your search for new favorite
read by clicking the Associate Link Below. (cut and paste broken links)
> Books Home Page

> by ben bennett

No time to write a novel everyone! But there are several things that
need mentioning. If you have a question, then I'll bet it can be
answered on the IndianaHomeschoolers list. Usually within 24 hours!
So buckle up and don't speed read. You might break something.

ITEM: You (yes you) need to go to our current web site and let me
(Ben) know what you think about it and what you think needs changed.
You're all too nice, really. But don't be. Adversity makes us strong,
and constructive comments make the web site sing.
You can send your comments to the IHEN Organizational list.

ITEM: I'm the producer of this newsletter, and there are a couple of
wonderful, time-strapped editors who would LOVE to hear from you if
you're interested in working on the newsletter or writing. You know
who you are. Write them. Nuff said.

ITEM: There are a TON of changes happening this month! Too many to
name, but it's getting exciting! We are signing on IHEN County
Contacts (three this month) and beginning the training process. If
you're a IHEN-CC, you know how funny that last line was.

If you're confused about the County Contact concept, or want to write
to someone in or close to the county where you live, you can go to the
web site:
or you can simply address an e-mail to the IHEN County Contact Crew.

The CC's should also be making regular appearances on the
IndianaHomeschoolers list. That should pretty much cover that!

ITEM: If you're blind, you haven't noticed that Tamra Orr is touring
the state of Indiana, speaking and selling her new book, "A Parent's
Guide to Homeschooling." Her speaking dates are on the
IndianaHomeschoolers calendar page, and I think you can buy her book
through the IHEN web site > by clicking
on the book image on the home page. You can also go directly to by clicking the link below, which also helps IHEN get a
little more off the ground. (cut and paste long URL's)
> Books Home Page

ITEM: Speaking of books: IHEN just started up a new discussion list
just for you book worms out there! It's designed to be a place to
just talk about your favorite books... even if they don't have
anything to do with homeschooling. You can subscribe by e-mail.
Becca is the moderator, so you KNOW there's going to be some fun! And
you don't even have to be quiet, like in the library. It's a good

ITEM: Speaking of lists: you are always welcome to suggest new,
topical e-mail lists that IHEN could host or moderate or just help
out with. Just write to the IHEN Organizational List Crew with your
suggestion or idea.

Ben does so many things it's hard to keep track. He formed the
Alternative Educators' Network for, among other things, helping
support groups get better organized, and to help parents decide that
they can, in fact, leave the State Schools behind and try out this
homeschooling thing. His business, Peach Grove Press/eMedia is
helping to design the IHEN web site and is even hosting the pages
until IHEN gets its own domain. You can write to him at

_____ IHEN POST TO WIN CONTEST __________


We thought it would be fun to have a little contest to promote IHEN's
"newness" and to show just how fun we really can be sometimes,
especially after drinking too much coffee. So here's the short and
sweet of it:

We are going to give a prize away after the month of August. But the
contest runs THROUGH August. The winner of our "Post to Win" contest
will be the lucky poster to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, who's post
number is drawn by random (computer generated actually) from the
August's posts to the list.

Everyone who sends a post within the month is eligible, except the
usual suspects like the directors, or that Ben guy or IHEN big-time
volunteers. (If someone would say, "Man, that deal was rigged!" Then
you probably aren't eligible.) You can win once a year, unless there
is a special contest where eligibility is changed for that specific

It's free as e-mail to enter. Just send a post to the
IndianaHomeschoolers list sometime in July. The more interesting
things you post, the greater your chances. You must be a subscriber
to the IndianaHomeschoolers list in order to post messages to the

So what happened to June, you're wondering? (You win a high five for
even reading the last newsletter this far!! Let alone remembering we
ran a test contest for June, drawn in July!) FYI: A random number was
drawn from the available post numbers for June, during the first week
of July. That person won... ready? A $10 shopping spree at Staples!
The person also graciously said, "Cool but you can use the money to
help IHEN." (or something like that...) and we said, "Thanks!"

But for August, we're going to make the game really worth it! The
random poster from August, will win a free copy of the Tamra Orr
book, "A Parent's Guide to Homeschooling!"

Just post to the IndianaHomeschoolers list! Answer or ask questions,
send resources, links and homeschooling ideas, and the more you post,
the better your chances of winning. This is serious play here.

I have the book in my hands right now -- when I'm not typing.

So keep those cards and letters coming boys and girls!!!


______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________
> who's who; what's where at IHEN

All volunteers working to bring IHEN to Hoosier homeschoolers can
be reached all at once by sending an e-mail to the IHEN
Organizational e-list address >
The current web site address for IHEN, where you can see up to
date information, resources and online versions of this newsletter
is at: >

_____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________

EDITOR: Debbie Harbeson >
PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


__ Ben Bennett >
__ Jane Casey >
__ Debbie Harbeson >
__ Marla James >
__ Betty Malone >
__ Jessica Radtke >
__ Joe (Coach) Stull >


__ Jane Casey, President
__ Deb Harbeson, Vice President
__ Wendy Schlie, Treasurer




IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS:
__ Benjamin Bennett
__ Debbie Harbeson


> chess@thewordsofeternallife

_____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________

The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to
"IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for
networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. Our e-mail lists are
neither restricted to IHEN members nor to only homeschooling parents.
The "IndianaHomeschoolers" list is open to anyone with an interest in
educating their own children. We hope that by running our statewide
networking list in this fashion, we will be able to communicate to
anyone interested in homeschooling, the diversity and unique family
affirming qualities the home learning lifestyle provides.

Because of this philosophy, the topics and discussions on the
"IndianaHomeschoolers" list are general in nature. Any secondary
e-mail lists we promote or moderate in the future, will likely be
more focused on specific needs. We will try to promote those Indiana
lists in the future. If you moderate an Indiana homeschooling e-list,
write to the Editor (Debbie) with your request for inclusion in our
next issue > or our new E-list
Resource Coordinator, Jessica Radtke > who will
be gathering information for an e-mail discussion list, resource list.

You can join any of the e-mail discussion lists below, by going to
the web site, or sending a blank e-mail to the address given. Some
lists may not be affiliated directly with IHEN or IHEN's members and
are governed by their own rules of conduct as written by their
moderators. Please read list rules and descriptions carefully before
subscribing and posting:


__ IndianaHomeschoolers: IHEN's Statewide Networking List

__ IHEN-Org: IHEN's Organizational working e-list

__ IHEN-News: Subscribe to the "IHEN Journal"

__ IHEN-Books: IHEN's official books and reading chat e-mail list


To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all
you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN
Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address
> and become part of this
network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!!

If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please
e-mail >


_______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________
> forwarding guidelines

Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the
author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this
publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in
writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests
by e-mail to >

"IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana
Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint
and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the
newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright
notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home
education in Indiana.


> eNewsLetter produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia >

... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network.

"All Parents are Educators.
What are You Teaching YOUR Children?ª"

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Copyright ©2002–2008,  All Rights Reserved. > IHEN E-mail Directory >  Read IHEN's Mission Statement

Web production and consulting services provided by:
Bennett and Company