Index | Back to Newsletter Index __________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________ > #2.11 November 2002 A newsletter, published by the INDIANA HOME EDUCATORS' NETWORK __ Subscribe by e-mail > __ Back Issues > __ Technical Assistance > __ "IHEN Journal" Online > _____ "IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors if noted. All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed. See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter. ______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________ : The Autodidactic life, : is the only life worth learning in. > [1] LETTER FROM THE EDITOR > [2] READERS... WRITE... LETTERS __ you read, you write, we read, we share > [3] LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT! (of IHEN, that is) __ tba > [4] INDIANAHOMESCHOOLERS E-LIST DIGEST __ a monthly sampler from IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list __ plus why "IndianaHomeschoolers" is THE list for YOU > [5] HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE by jessica radtke __ free or inexpensive homeschool ideas > [6] IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS __ helping hoosiers homeschool -- that's the key > [7] OFF THE DEB END by debbie harbeson __ dear john... > [8] POINTS OF INTEREST __ science corner: nature's garbage disposal and sauerkraut! __ article: writing letters to the editors __ don't blink! news in a nutshell _____ standard stuff __________ IHEN Resource Directory: > [a] CONTACTS __ who's who; staff and volunteers __ e-mail addresses __ [un]subscription instructions > [b] COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __ forwarding guidelines __________________________________________________________________ [1] ________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________ by debbie harbeson > Welcome to the November issue of the IHEN News. In this issue, you'll see more of your favorites: Jessica's resources, the list sampler, Off The Deb End, and Rick Beymer has sent us another article for his science corner. The IndianaHomeschoolers list had several posts that contained computer viruses this month. We want to let everyone know that it is a good idea to never open attachments that come in through an email list. We have a message in the homeschooling sampler where list member, Deborah Resnick, offers her assistance to anyone wanting help or information about fighting computer viruses. Thanks Deborah! Our own Ben Bennett is very knowledgeable about viruses as well so contact either of them if you have any questions. You can always write to the list moderators if you have a question regarding viruses and the IndianaHomeschoolers list. > A very cool thing that happened this month is that we have a list subscriber who is living in Hungary! They plan to move to Indiana some time in the near future. So if you want to know anything about Hungary, I'm sure Cheryl will be glad to "converse" online with you. One final note since this is the month of giving thanks. Thanks to all of you out there that do anything you can to support IHEN's mission of Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. ~ [2] ______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________ by indiana homeschoolers > If you have something you would like to say about how we're doing, then put fingers to keyboard and write to the address above. We can't know what you're thinking... unless we get to read what you're thinking. -ed. ~ [3] _____________________________ LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT __________ by jane casey > TBA: There has been a lot of cool things happening so close to deadline, that we thought we should present the President's letter in a special mailing. We should be hearing from Jane Casey in about a week or so. Stay tuned! ~ [4] _______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________ by debbie harbeson > If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website > and click on messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number in the "Msg #" search box. If you see an active link below, you can use that too! :-) You must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files. Subscription information is below. Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list: > LOCAL AREA RESOURCES: Central Indiana Science Fair Information > STATE RESOURCES: Indiana Geological Survey site > New private Christian school offering resources for homeschoolers > Charlotte Mason Seminar in Indianapolis in January > > ONLINE RESOURCES: Phonics Program-Talking Letters > NOAA Weather Site > Math and Science Sites New List for Websites for Homeschoolers > Various Learning Resources > Post about IndianaHomeschoolers list benefits Message from member offering help about computer viruses Site full of websites > > INTERESTING DISCUSSION THREADS: * Thread discussing reading help for 7 year old * Post about getting dads involved in school * Thread discussing charter schools and possible affect on homeschooling * Discussion of resources for native plants and animals of Indiana _____ ABOUT THE IndianaHomeschoolers LIST __________ We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and Discussion list is probably one of the better (definately the largest, by subscriber numbers) statewide e-mail discussion lists going! And what makes it the best, first source for statewide homeschooling information and discussion? Our subscribers. Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not? It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really great "Summer-time Indiana Fishing Hole" from one of our famous "Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) Tell a friend! _____ Resources: __ To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, send an email to: > ~ [5] _________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________ by jessica radtke > FREE OR INEXPENSIVE HOMESCHOOL IDEAS This month's "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line" features several lists that pertain to free or inexpensive homeschool ideas. I hope you find something of use to you and your family! -jr _____ "Free stuff, Good links, and good homeshchool ideas. This list is open to all types of schools; Homeschoolers and private as well as public. what we want is anything of value that can be obtained for free, by download, mail or through phone calls for schools." > "If your looking for a list that will help you find cheap and free homeschool resources, but aren't interested in more worksheets, quiz makers, or textbook swaps, then this is the list for you!!! I want this list to be for everyone who is interested, but we will be discussing resources that are not as schooly, fun things, books, movies, field trips, web sites etc." > "This list was created to help homeschool parents find resources for teaching, be they FREEBIES, homeschool web sites, lesson plans, unit studies, book and educational software titles, worksheets (the internet is full of things ... free!) See the resources and FREEBIES on our homeschool web page at" > "Welcome to Frugal Homeschooling. Here I hope to share all sorts of frugal ideas, including free educational games. Anyone is welcome to share their ideas and creations also!" > "This is a list to share free stuff you find on the web. Books, kits, pencils, crayons, paper, work sheet, and so on, this list is only for free stuff, that schools can use!" > -- Next month, more of course. If you have or know of an on-line resource that you would like to see listed in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-line" portion of the IHEN Journal, send the information to Jessica Radtke at: > ~ [6] _______________________________________ COUNTY CONTACTS __________ > IHEN established the IHEN County Contacts as a means to simply, Help Hoosiers Homeschool. The all volunteer IHEN County Contacts are already helping new homeschoolers answer questions about homeschooling in Indiana. It's wonderful to hear from parents who have so many good things to say about how quickly IHEN County Contacts have responded with helpful information. If anything, that single aspect of helping other homeschoolers makes being a County Contact well worth it. If you know someone who is interested in homeschooling in Indiana, and they don't know where to turn or have a question about homeschooling in Indiana, why not give them our County Contact address? Or better yet, pass on the newest homeschooling URL in Indiana > HOW CAN I BECOME AN IHEN COUNTY CONTACT? Easy: Join our IHEN Organizational Committee list, then ask how to become a county contact. We'll fill you in on the requirements. COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE You can find out who is where by going to our County Contact page on the web. If you don't see a Contact in your county.... Well, you know what to do. _____ Resources: __ IHEN County Contacts web page: > __ IHEN County Contacts E-mail Address: > __ Subscribe to the IHEN Organizational Committee List > __ IHEN Internet Base Camp: > ~ [7] _______________________________________ OFF THE DEB END __________ by debbie harbeson > A DEAR JOHN LETTER As readers of this column know by now, I have had periods of doubt and fear about whether homeschooling was the right decision for our family. Through it all, I felt a constant positive presence and total support from my husband, John. When I finally made the decision to homeschool, it was at the same time that John was starting a new business. With this in mind, we both knew that I would have primary responsibility in the day-to-day activities of homeschooling. He ended up being very involved and the business itself played a big part in our homeschooling, but still, I took charge of the venture. John had total and complete faith in the idea of homeschooling. He was always available to listen as I worked through my anxieties and worries. His trust and confidence helped me through those down days when nothing seemed to go right. On many days, he was better able to see that our kids were getting a great education. I think this was partly because I tended to be stuck in the day-to-day details, but he could focus on the big picture. In fact, his nonchalant confidence in homeschooling for any family that desired it was the final straw that convinced a customer to give it a shot. While he installed a computer at her home for her family, she took the opportunity to ask him questions about homeschooling. She told him about her fear of not being able to do a good enough job. As she tells the story, he just stopped what he was doing, looked at her and said, "How bad could you be on your worst day, trying to help your own kids learn, and still be better than the best teacher on his best day with 25 kids?" Then he smiled at her and went back to installing the computer. She decided to homeschool after that conversation. So, I hope all the readers of this journal will indulge me and let me use this traditional month of giving thanks to publicly show my appreciation to my wonderful husband for all his confidence, trust, and support on our homeschooling journey. Thanks John. ~ [8] ____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________ _____ SCIENCE CORNER __________ by rick beymer > The weather is changing and more leaves are falling. Now that you have your compost bin set up or constructed, it is time to add those leaves, grass clippings, kitchen food scraps (no bones or fat* fruit peels and veggie scraps are great), and other sources of carbon and nitrogen. See this website for more information: > Now, how is all of this matter going to become soil? The answer is time, correct conditions, and bacteria. The bacteria of decay are the most abundant life form on the planet. No way, you say, not with over 6 billion humans on the planet! Yes, way. These bacteria thrive in all parts of the world and in all environments. The human body has several species of bacteria in the intestines that assist with food breakdown to allow nutrients to enter our bloodstream in order for these nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids) to be delivered to our cells. To look up close and personal at some bacteria and learn more about bacteria check out these web sites: > > > > > > > Life as we know it would have a difficult time with all the leftovers from life's activities if these bacteria and fungi were not around doing their job without pay in the form of money. The decomposer's pay is in the form of nutrients and energy extracted from breaking down these leftovers of nature. Speaking of leftovers, why not place your leftovers in the compost pile instead of down the garbage disposal? You see, somewhere down the line, the bacteria are going to get these leftovers at the sewage treatment plant where the bacteria will simply digest them into forms of matter less harmful to us so our drinking water is not contaminated. We can learn much from the bacteria that decomposes much of the excess human waste produced from our activities here on planet earth. For those of you that love sauerkraut and wish to know how to make your own, send an e-mail with "sauerkraut" as the subject line and I will be glad to e-mail you a great and simple lab. -- Rick Beymer is the Director of the Online Science Academy and can be reached at > ~ _____ NHEN - NATIONAL HOME EDUCATION NETWORK __________ > WRITING LETTERS TO THE EDITOR by cristine webb and laura derrick, NHEN 10/20/02 -- Writing letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines is an important part of keeping homeschooling issues in the public eye. Letters to the editor columns are often the most widely read section of a newspaper or magazine, and public policy officials usually consider them a good barometer of public opinion. You really don't have to be an exceptional writer to get noticed if you speak from the heart and focus on expressing yourself clearly. This short article shares 6 important tips and provides links that will help you as you write your own letters to editors. Read the entire article at the NHEN website: > _____ Resources: __ NHEN Website: > __ Special webpages for New Homeschoolers: > __ Subscribe to N-H-E-N (New Homeschoolers' Encouragement Newsletter) > ~ >> ------------ AN AMAZON.COM ASSOCIATE ------------ << Buying from helps IHEN help Hoosier Homeschoolers. [click the link below to visit the Books Home Page] >> ------------------- -------------------- << _____ DON'T BLINK! NEWS IN A NUTSHELL __________ THE NEW IHEN WEB SITE IS OPEN The constantly updated and growing IHEN web site is up and online. If you meet someone who is thinking about homeschooling and doesn't know where to go first, just tell them to sign up for the IndianaHomeschoolers list and then stop by our web site: > ~ IHEN V.P. RAN FOR INDIANA STATE OFFICE Debbie Harbeson, current IHEN Vice-President/Treasurer, recently made a run for political office in Indiana. She ran for State Senate in District 45 (under the name Debbie Huber-Harbeson) on the Libertarian ticket against a 24-year Democrat incumbent. She received 4,030 votes, which was 14 percent of the vote total. She and her husband organized the Libertarian party affiliate in Clark County and this was the first time voters in her district could vote for a Libertarian Senator. Her campaign was fairly low-key and she worked mainly to get the word out about the Libertarian party and show people dissatisfied with the current government that there is another choice in Indiana. ~ HELP WANTED "WORKSHEETS" are on the IHEN-Org list: If you're interested in helping out as an IHEN volunteer, the place to network is the IHEN-Org list. Join the list and read the "WorkSheets" that are posted regularly. You might find a project that's right up your alley. > ~ SPEAKING OF NEEDING A LITTLE HELP We're looking for a new IHEN Journal Newsletter Editor. As you can see, our statewide newsletter is growing and becoming more informative. With that growth, comes the need for more help managing. We are looking for a new editor for the monthly newsletter, and editors at large for specific sections. If you're interested in working on the newsletter or writing, you know who you are. Send an e-mail to: > ~ NEWSLETTER AND WEB SITE LOOKING FOR SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS Know someone who might want to advertise in the newsletter and on the web site? We're considering offering limited advertising space. Write for more information. > ~ |END - See you next month and daily on the IndianaHomeschoolers list!| [a] ______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________ > who's who; what's where at IHEN > _____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________ MANAGING EDITOR: Debbie Harbeson > EDITOR: > DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Ben Bennett > PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > FREE SUBSCRIPTION: > TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: > SUBMISSIONS: > WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS - PRESENT AND PAST: __ Ben Bennett > __ Rick Beymer > __ Jane Casey > __ Debbie Harbeson > __ Marla James > __ NHEN > __ Betty Malone > __ Jessica Radtke > __ Joe (Coach) Stull > _____ IHEN VOLUNTEERS, STAFF, OFFICERS __________ SEND MAIL TO THE IHEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS/OFFICERS > __ Jane Casey, President __ Deb Harbeson, Vice President IHEN ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE E-MAIL: > IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS STAFF > RESOURCE LISTS COORDINATOR: Jessica Radtke > IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS: > __ Benjamin Bennett __ Debbie Harbeson IHEN'S PERSONAL CHESS TRAINER: Joe Stull > _____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________ The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to "IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. IHEN moderates other lists you might be interested in joining. Go to our web site for a complete list of IHEN's e-lists and moderators. > _____ [UN]SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS __________ To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address > and become part of this network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!! If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please e-mail > Subscribe UNsubscribe [b] _______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________ > forwarding guidelines Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests by e-mail to > "IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home education in Indiana. |IHEN| ____________________________________________________________________ The "IHEN Journal" is produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia Web: > | E-mail > ... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network. "All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?" AEN Top | Index | Back to Newsletter Index
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