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__________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________
> #3.01 January 2003

A newsletter, published by the INDIANA HOME EDUCATORS' NETWORK

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"IHEN Journal" ©2003, IHEN and respective authors if noted.
All Rights Reserved. Non-commercial distribution rights allowed.
See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter.

______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________
: Happy New Year!


__ you read, you write, we read, we share

__ happy new year!

__ a monthly sampler from IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list
__ plus why "IndianaHomeschoolers" is THE list for YOU

> [5] HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE by jessica radtke
__ student contests and competitions

__ meet jane casey, your IHEN allen county contact

> [7] OFF THE DEB END by debbie harbeson
__ the cardboard box theory

__ rick beymer's science corner: breakin' down your DNA
__ articles: christmas break
__ don't blink! news in a nutshell

_____ standard stuff __________
IHEN Resource Directory:
__ who's who; staff and volunteers
__ e-mail addresses
__ [un]subscription instructions

__ forwarding guidelines

________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________
by debbie harbeson

Happy New Year! We have an extra reason to celebrate because IHEN has
successfully been producing a monthly issue of this newsletter for
over a year. We hope it is entertaining and useful to you, the
readers. We are always looking for ideas and help, so please don't
hesitate to write us if you want to volunteer or simply have a
suggestion. You can contact us at this address:

New this issue is an interview with one of our County Contacts. We
plan to highlight a different county contact each month to give you
an idea of who they are and what they do in their volunteer position
as a homeschooling contact for IHEN.

The IndianaHomeschoolers e-mail list had informative and inspiring
messages from new and veteran homeschoolers as well as great
discussions on topics such as testing and sports. Jessica Radtke has
information on student contests this month, Rick Beymer gets us
deeper into DNA, and I think you'll see that I have truly went "Off
The Deb End" this month!

Enjoy, and please let us know how we can improve and make this
newsletter something you find entertaining as well as useful.


______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________
by indiana homeschoolers

If you have something you would like to say about how we're doing,
then put fingers to keyboard and write to the address above. We can't
know what you're thinking... unless we get to read what you're
thinking. -ed.

_____________________________ LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT __________
by jane casey

Happy New Year!

I know it's clichˇ to say that I can't believe it's already 2003. But
I can't! It's also hard to believe that a year ago IHEN, as it now
exists ... didn't.

We have come a long way this year and although the forward progress
of IHEN may not be as quick as some of us would like, a quick look
back at this year may prove encouraging. We have been talking -- in
various ways, times and media -- for several years about starting a
networking group for homeschoolers that looks for ways to connect all
homeschoolers across the state, regardless of homeschooling style or
religious belief. We saw a need for a central, probably "virtual
place" that someone new to the state or new to homeschooling could go
and find out about all of the groups in her area and the cool things
for homeschoolers to do.

The IndianaHomeschoolers discussion list has fulfilled part of that
mission admirably. It is one of the most active and healthy statewide
homeschool lists going. But many of us felt that there were functions
that an e-mail list couldn't serve. We talked about a website that
would contain information and a way for homeschoolers to connect. We
talked about an e-newsletter. We threw around lots of ideas. Some of
them haven't come to fruition, but since our first face-to-face
meeting this spring we have an ever-improving website with our own
domain: > and we have County Contacts for a
number of counties. We have officers and a bank account. We have an
excellent e-newletter thanks mainly to the efforts of Debbie Harbeson
and Ben Bennett. And we have LOTS of other ideas.

Imagine: Wouldn't it be great to have a membership card that gave us
discounts and benefits at stores and attractions in the state?
Wouldn't it be awesome if every person who e-mails our County
Contacts for information was able to hear personally, within 24
hours, from a friendly person in their county? To accomplish this and
anything else we can imagine, we just need one thing: you!

We need you to volunteer to be a County Contact, to join the IHEN-Org
working e-mail list, and we need simple word-of-mouth advertising as
you tell your friends about IHEN's web site and the
IndianaHomeschoolers list. We need people to help out in a number of
different ways, so join our Organizational working e-list, introduce
yourself and find something that's right for you. Helping Hoosiers
Homeschool is what IHEN's all about. Hope you all have the happiest
of New Years!

/s/ Jane Casey, President, IHEN

>> ---- IndianaHomeschoolers: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool ---- <<

Who HASN'T heard of IHEN's IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and
Discussion List? Plenty! What can Hoosier Homeschoolers do about
this deficiency? Plenty! Tell a friend today, that IHEN's
IndianaHomeschoolers List is just about the best place to talk
about homeschooling in the state of Indiana! And don't forget to
pass along the easy, free subscription addresses:

And don't forget the welcome page of the web site:

Thanks for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool!

>> ---------------------- ---------------------- <<

_______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________
by debbie harbeson

This month's IndianaHomeschoolers list sampler contains a smaller
amount of references to specific archived messages, but that doesn't
mean the list was inactive. As a matter of fact, the list was
bursting with great discussion on several topics of interest to
homeschoolers. These discussions, or "threads" as they are sometimes
called, are impossible to trace to one specific message. -dh
If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website
> and click on
messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number
in the "Msg #" search box. If you see an active link below, you
can use that too! :-) You must be a list subscriber to access the
archives and files. Subscription information is below.

Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list:

Delaware County Homeschooling Activities
Art teacher offering services to homeschoolers in Indianapolis area

Message from list member willing to work with others to inquire about
changing IHSAA bylaws so homeschoolers can participate in sports
Charlotte Mason Seminar in Indianapolis January 18th.
Alternative idea to going to IHSAA for sports

Letter to Editor written by Co-Moderator Ben Bennett


* Newbie intros lead to various discussions on school experiences
* Discussions about homeschooling legal problems in Illinois
* Thread on sports options for homeschoolers
* Thread on testing and GED and diplomas
* Thread on homeschooling through high school

_____ ABOUT THE IndianaHomeschoolers LIST __________

We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and Discussion
list is one of the better (definately the largest, by subscriber
numbers) statewide e-mail discussion lists going! What makes
IndiaiaHomeschoolers the best, source for statewide homeschooling
information and discussion? Our subscribers.

Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are
some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't
subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not?
It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really
great "Sledding Run" from one of our famous "Off Topic" discussions!!
;-) Tell a friend!
__ To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, send an email to: 

_________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________
by jessica radtke


Welcome to this month's installment of Hoosier Homeschoolers Online.
This month's topic: Student Contests and Competitions. Many thanks go
to Laura Eilers for most of the links in this article and for her
permission to use the information she found during her searches in
this newsletter.

A few pointers for those of you who are interested in pursuing this
topic further: First of all, always read the information on each
contest carefully. Make sure you have everything you need before you
submit your entry. Second, be sure to check the deadlines. The
Internet is full of outdated material and you will run across many
contests that ended months or even years ago. Third, if there is an
off-line address provided, please write to the contest organizers for
further information before sending your submission. And last but
certainly not least, NEVER send money unless you are absolutely
certain that the contest is legitimate. Most student contests should
not require money, but for those that have entry or other fees (such
as some art or photography competitions) check into it carefully
before sending any money. -jr

The Ultimate Guide to Student Contests: A Free Resource for Students,
Teachers, Parents, and Contest Organizers - Enter information about
your geographic area and student age/grade level, choose the type of
contest you are looking for (arranged by subject) and you will be
presented with a list that is tailor made for your child. This was by
far my favorite site for parents (or students) who are looking into
contests as a part of their home education experience.

For more links to multi-discipline contests, check out the following
Web sites:








(Type the word "contests" into the search box and check the
appropriate grade level to get a list of contests.)

There are also many subject specific contest sites. (And this is also
where you are most likely to run across expired contests.) Some of the
ones I checked into that were up to date or ongoing were:

Student Science Fictions and Fantasy contest for 2003.

"The Refrigerator: An Art Contest for Kids" This is an ongoing art

National Geographic's student contest page. This page changes as
their contest's change, so check it more than once.

A & E Classroom Also changes as their contests change.

Next month, more of course. If you have or know of an on-line
resource, or if you own or know of a Web site you would like to
spread the word about in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-line" portion
of the IHEN Journal, send the information to Jessica Radtke at: >

[6] [New Feature for 2003!]
_______________________________________ IHEN IN-terview __________
by the ihen staff


Welcome to a new feature for the "IHEN Journal." We call this,
"IN-terview." Catchy, yes? :-)

We thought it was high time the average subscriber to our journal,
got to meet some of the people who are working so hard at what we do
at IHEN: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool.

For our inaugural article, we could think of no one better to
interview, than Jane Casey, IHEN's founder (started this big ball
rolling with a little e-list called IndianaHomeschoolers -- who
knew??) and one of two IHEN County Contacts for Allen County. Let's
take a moment and read a little about Jane Casey, in her own words:


>> Q: Tell us a bit about your family. A: My husband Colin and I are the parents of four children. Bethany is 16, Patrick is 12, Jonathan is nine & Andrew is seven. We have moved four times in the last five years and are glad to be settled back in Indiana. Our homeschooling is very relaxed and we are big on experiencing things, playing games, & reading books. We all love books, music, slightly irreverent humor, and reverent confessional Lutheranism. Colin is an electrical engineer/manager and I run a home-based wellness business.


>> Q: How long have you been homeschooling? A: We began homeschooling in early 1996.


>> Q: Why did you begin homeschooling? A: We began homeschooling because our oldest son was very obviously not going to be ready to read on the schools' timetable. He was also obviously a very bright little boy and I didn't want him to feel, or be labeled, "dumb, slow," etc. We originally were only going to homeschool him and only until he "caught up." But the more we learned about learning in general and homeschooling in particular, the less we thought about catching up. We also pulled our daughter out of school that spring.


>> Q: Why did you decide to become a county contact? A: I think that the very best thing homeschoolers can do for each other is to be connected. There are SO many different ways to homeschool and kinds of homeschoolers. Someone may only know about one way or one kind and feel that they don't belong. (I've been there myself!) I love the concept of having people in each county who are looking for resources, talking to librarians and other homeschoolers, and making themselves available to share information.


>> Q: Are you working with IHEN in other ways? A: Yep. : )


>> Q: What are some of your favorite resources for homeschoolers in >> your area? A: The Allen County library is one of the more homeschool friendly we've experienced. (We've homeschooled in four different areas.) The visitors center has information on all kinds of museums and attractions in and around Fort Wayne gathered in one spot. Fort Wayne Area Homeschoolers is a wonderful resource for both homeschool-specific activities and some local events. Although it is an explicitly Christian group, they make their very informational newsletter available to everybody who wants to subscribe.


>> Q: How many support groups do you know of in your area? A: Nine, but I know there are more out there.


>> Q: Is there anything else you would like Homeschoolers in Indiana >> to know? A: We are so lucky to be homeschooling in Indiana! We are free to educate our children with a minimum of regulation. We have a wealth places to experience within a few hours drive. The cities in Indiana and surrounding states have incredible museums, aquariums and zoos. If you've thought about being a county contact jump off the fence and do it! It doesn't take a lot of time, but can really benefit homeschoolers in your area! _____ Resources: __ If you know someone who is interested in homeschooling in Indiana, and they don't know where to turn or have a question about homeschooling in Indiana, give them our County Contact address. > __ Become an IHEN County Contact by first joining our IHEN Organizational Committee list. > __ IHEN County Contacts web page: > __ IHEN's Internet Base Camp: > ~ >> -------------- IHEN: BECOME A CHARTER MEMBER -------------- << IHEN is an all volunteer, membership driven organization with one main goal: We want to Help Hoosiers Homeschool. If you believe as we do, that what we're doing is worthwhile, please consider being a part of it by becoming a member of IHEN. > >> ---------------------- ---------------------- << [7] _______________________________________ OFF THE DEB END __________ by debbie harbeson > THE CARDBOARD BOX THEORY I have discovered an interesting phenomenon of the universe I call "The Cardboard Box Theory." The theory is stated as follows: "Children will have more fun with the cardboard box than with the actual gift packaged inside." Most parents have directly observed this phenomenon and can attest to its existence. For those of you who somehow do not know what I am talking about, here is an example of the basic steps as observed in my family: Step one: Child rips open beautiful wrapping. Parent rips open box that is full of staples. Step two: Child grabs box and runs to the corner to play. Parent grabs product and runs to a corner with tools for easy assembly. Step three: Child mumbles to self and giggles in corner, happily playing. Parent mumbles to self and gets a bigger socket. Step four: Child discovers cool sound the box makes when he slams it down. Parent discovers nasty sound product makes when he slams it down and breaks it into a million pieces. Step five: Child rests inside box for a while. Parent rests on couch. Step six: Child runs giggling to parent, dragging the box, and they both get down on the floor and have tons of fun playing with the cardboard. I have also observed a slight variation of this theory since becoming a homeschooling parent. As a newbie, I purchased several bargain curriculums, but as we drifted into untraditional forms of learning, I realized that these items were not being used in the manner in which they were intended. You will notice the theory works slightly different here, because it's not the box I'm talking about, it's the contents. Sure, the boxes can be fun, but they are not very big. What I am referring to are the actual textbooks and workbooks packaged inside. My kids figured out many ways to use the materials beyond the original intent. Here are just a few: skateboard and bike ramp supports; tunnels for doll-sized cities; bases for pick-up baseball games; nesting material for hamsters and gerbils; free weights for fitness (especially those Combined Collections); makeshift steps to reach the cookie jar; anchoring blankets for kitchen table tents; creating animated cartoons in the outer margins; flattening leaf and flower collections. Oh, and there was that one time we ran out of toilet paper. I have even found a couple of uses of my own. I cut out pages and hide my favorite candy because no one ever picks up certain editions. I sometimes use textbooks to cure insomnia. I used to use one to knock some sense into myself whenever doubts and fears made me think we needed to get more traditional. Fortunately I don't need to do that anymore. So, if you have some purchasing mistakes around your home, don't sell them; wait and see what alternative uses your kids can discover. Maybe one day you will hear your own kids saying something like this: "Hey Mom, this curriculum is awesome! The pages are great for my papier-mache cheetah and the paint looks much better too. And you know what else? You won't need to feed the baby any lunch today because he just ate chapter three of "Transportation Methods in Peru." ~ [8] ____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________ _____ SCIENCE CORNER __________ by rick beymer > BREAKIN' DOWN YOUR DNA Last month I gave you some web sites of interest that led you to information on DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) and chromosomes. Our journey began with composting and the bacteria responsible for this process of breaking down big molecules and compounds into smaller molecules and compounds that allow these simpler compounds to be used by life on earth over and over again. We have examined the code used by these bacteria that enables the bacteria to breakdown these compounds and this code is the bacteria's DNA. Human DNA has several sections or sequences of DNA that are the same as those found in bacteria and other forms of life on this planet. The circle of life certainly revolves around the DNA present in the forms of life on this planet. This month let's learn even more about the structure of DNA, how this knowledge of DNA is being used, and you can even read the article published back in 1953 by Watson and Crick by the publication "Nature." This is a one-page article written over 50 years ago. There are hundreds and thousands of projects that have been started and completed about the human, chimp, arabidopsis (chickweed), and mouse DNA, to name but a few of the organisms whose DNA sequence has been mapped out by scientists. Check out this web site and gain some new insights on what DNA has done for life on earth: > If you wish a simple 30 minute lab on extracting DNA, just visit my web site at > -- Rick Beymer is the Director of the Online Science Academy > and can be reached at > ~ _____ NHEN - NATIONAL HOME EDUCATION NETWORK __________ > HAPPY HOLIDAYS! by NHEN In December, the National Home Education Network (NHEN) staff take a break to be with their families for the holidays. Their regular segment in the "IHEN Journal" will resume with the February 2003 issue. _____ Resources: __ NHEN Website: > __ Special webpages for New Homeschoolers: > __ Subscribe to N-H-E-N (New Homeschoolers' Encouragement Newsletter) > ~ >> ------------ AN AMAZON.COM ASSOCIATE ------------ << Buying from helps IHEN help Hoosier Homeschoolers. [click the link below to visit the Books Home Page] > >> ------------------- -------------------- << _____ DON'T BLINK! NEWS IN A NUTSHELL __________ MESSAGE BOARDS NOW OPEN FOR TESTING ON If you are interested in helping us test out our message board on the web site, please stop by and click the "Message Boards" link on the web site, or just go here: > ~ IHEN CO-MODERATOR'S EDITORIAL PUBLISHED Ben Bennett, co-moderator of the IndianaHomeschoolers List, recently had an editorial published in The Muncie StarPress. Ben was responding to an editorial letter written by a mother who's daughter witnessed a brutal attack on a fellow student with a hammer, at Central High School, in Muncie. The link to the editorial has expired, but you can read what he wrote by going to the IndianaHomeschoolers list archives: > ~ HELP WANTED -- "WORKSHEETS" ARE ON THE IHEN-Org LIST If you're interested in helping out as an IHEN volunteer, the place to network is the IHEN-Org list. Join the list and read the "WorkSheets" that are posted regularly. You might find a project that's right up your alley. > ~ NEWSLETTER AND WEB SITE LOOKING FOR SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS Know someone who might want to advertise in the newsletter and on the web site? We're considering offering limited advertising space. Write for more information. > ~ IHEN MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE You can help in a big way, by supporting IHEN and becoming a member of the growing homeschooling organization that just wants to Help Hoosiers Homeschool. You'll find the mail-in membership form at the following URL: > Print it, mail it with your check and that's it! You're an IHEN Charter Member! ~ |END - See you next month and daily on the IndianaHomeschoolers list!| [a] ______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________ > who's who; what's where at IHEN > _____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________ MANAGING EDITOR: Debbie Harbeson > EDITOR: > IN-terview STAFF: > DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Ben Bennett > PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > FREE SUBSCRIPTION: > TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: > SUBMISSIONS: > ADVERTISING: > WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS - PRESENT AND PAST: __ Ben Bennett > __ Rick Beymer > __ Jane Casey > __ Debbie Harbeson > __ Marla James > __ Betty Malone > __ NHEN > __ Jessica Radtke > __ Joe (Coach) Stull > _____ IHEN VOLUNTEERS, STAFF, OFFICERS __________ SEND MAIL TO THE IHEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS/OFFICERS > __ Jane Casey, President __ Deb Harbeson, Vice President IHEN ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE E-MAIL: > IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS STAFF > RESOURCE LISTS COORDINATOR: Jessica Radtke > IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS: > __ Benjamin Bennett __ Debbie Harbeson IHEN'S PERSONAL CHESS TRAINER: Joe Stull > _____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________ The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to "IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. IHEN moderates other lists you might be interested in joining. Go to our web site for a complete list of IHEN's e-lists and moderators. > _____ [UN]SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS __________ To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address > and become a homeschooler helping homeschoolers!! If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please e-mail > Subscribe UNsubscribe [b] _______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________ > forwarding guidelines Copyright (c)2003, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests by e-mail to > "IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home education in Indiana. |IHEN| ____________________________________________________________________ The "IHEN Journal" is produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia Web: > | E-mail > ... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network. "All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?" AEN

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