Index | Back to Newsletter Index __________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________ > #3.07 July 2003 An e-newsletter, published by the INDIANA HOME EDUCATORS' NETWORK >> The Web Project: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool Subscribe by e-mail > "IHEN Journal" Online & Back Issues > Support the IHEN Web Project > _____ "IHEN Journal" (c)2003, IHEN and respective authors if noted. All Rights Reserved. Non-commercial distribution rights allowed. See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter. ______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________ > [1] LETTER FROM THE EDITOR > [2] READERS... WRITE... LETTERS you read, you write, we read, we share > [3] JANE'S VIEW by jane casey i've been ... thinking > [4] INDIANAHOMESCHOOLERS E-LIST DIGEST by debbie harbeson a monthly sampler from the state's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list > [5] HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE by jessica radtke keeping your homeschool records (and we don't mean vinyl) >>> NEW COLUMN!! >>> Let us introduce Janis Chrissikos, our new FAQ answer lady. No >>> question is a bad question, except the question that goes >>> unasked. Using the FAQ's Database, Janis (and her vast >>> supply of helpers) will try to answer your questions about >>> homeschooling in Indiana. If you have a question for Janis, go to >>> > and click on the "Ask a Question" link. >>> [6] JUST THE FAQ's by janis chrissikos betwixt and between: using the summer months to plan for fall > [7] HOMESCHOOLING IN THE NEWS from what's happening with homeschoolers *not* in indiana > [8] RICK'S SCIENCE CORNER by rick beymer so... what's the weather like on the sun? > [9] NHEN MONTHLY POV from read them all on the NHEN web site > [10] IN-site by ben bennett where are we? (or location, location, location) > [11] POINTS OF INTEREST >> homeschool offerings from merry lea elc of goshen college >> where's your point? (put your group's info/calendar here) >> looking for a few good ads >> you can help hoosiers homeschool _____ standard stuff __________ > [a] CONTACTS & RESOURCE DIRECTORY who's who; staff and volunteers e-mail addresses [un]subscription instructions > [b] COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION forwarding guidelines __________________________________________________________________ [1] ________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________ by deborah resnick > "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation (under God), indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Over the past few months there has been a lot of controversy over the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. The original Pledge, created in 1892, read "I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and (to) the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all." In 1923 "my Flag" was changed to "the Flag of the United States." The following year "of America" was added. It was not until June 14, 1954, that the words "under God" were added. The Story of the Pledge of Allegiance can be found here: > The 1950's were a time of suspicion and exclusionary politics. Senator Joseph McCarthy was capitalizing on America's fear of Communism, which denied the existence of a higher being. The Cold War was raging. America was in the midst of the 50's, a time of home, family, and church. Much of the music, rhetoric, and even the Pledge of Allegiance reflected the climate of the time. We are now in the midst of a new kind of war. A war against people who hate us, whom we don't understand. People who kill and die for principles we can't comprehend. People with beliefs that are very different from ours. We are fighting, in many ways, for our own survival and the continuation of the freedoms so many people have already died for. The point of the Pledge, in my opinion, is to show our support, pride, and patriotic fervor for the United States. Whether or not we believe in God, consider ourselves to be Christian, believe in the Koran or the Torah, is immaterial to me. Being Wiccan, or Druid, or Atheist doesn't enter into how a person supports, or doesn't support, this country. I believe that it is in everyone's best interest to keep religion in church, synagogue, mosque, and home -- not in the public domain. Others feel strongly otherwise. The discussion of religion in schools is one that, thankfully, homeschoolers don't need to address. It certainly shouldn't color our support of this country. On the 4th of July -- Independence Day -- we celebrate the creation of this great country. No where else on earth can anyone come and have a chance to dream and attain that dream like here in the United States. Poor kids can become president. Rich kids can go to jail. City kids move to the country to farm. Farm kids can move to the city and run newspapers or corporations. I hope that this Independence Day will be, for all of us, a day to reflect on the blessings we have in the United States of America, and to more fully accept the differences that make this country great. With, or without "under God." Debbie Resnick, Editor _____ RESOURCES: Letters to the Editor: > The story of the Pledge of Allegiance: > ~ [2] ______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________ by indiana homeschoolers > Why not take a moment and let us know how YOU think we're doing? Put fingers to keys and write the editor, Deborah Resnick: > ~ [3] ___________________________________________ JANE'S VIEW __________ by jane casey > I'VE BEEN ... THINKING I've spent more time THINKING about homeschooling lately than I have for a long time. First, there was the interview with the reporter that I wrote about last month. Then there was a chance to be on a radio show in Anderson. The opportunity to be on the radio was great. I shared the "spotlight" with Ben Bennett and we were able to answer many questions in the time we were on the air. Of course, there was frustration with not being able to fully explain certain things because of the constraints of time, but I think overall it went very well and I have received positive feedback on the show. Each time I spend more time thinking about homeschooling, I get more excited about homeschooling, and more SURE about the benefits to our children of homeschooling. It doesn't matter if you unschool or use A Beka, if you teach your kids Latin or are lucky to fit in English. The gifts that we are giving our children--time, attention, individual instruction, love, a sense of adventure--are priceless. The gifts may vary from family to family. Some families may be encouraging curiosity, some instilling discipline, and some fostering a sense of self-worth. Many may be doing all of these things. Some are building intellectual giants. Some aren't, and that's okay. Many of us spend our days buried in the things that our children love: Legos, art projects, frogs and toads, science projects, books, dirt. If you find yourself feeling bogged down or doubting the effectiveness of what you're doing take some time to read a homeschool book or talk to some other homeschoolers. Maybe you'll find it's time to change some things about the way you homeschool or maybe it's time for a mini-vacation. When I feel like I'm not doing it "right" I pull out my dog-eared copy of "Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days" and I'm quickly reminded that there is no right way to homeschool. So enjoy the journey, you're doing something wonderful! And if you ever need encouragement, pop onto the IndianaHomeschoolers list at yahoo groups, where you'll find a wonderful, supportive bunch of people ready to help! Enjoy! Jane _____ Want to know what Jane Casey thinks? Got a question that needs answered? Jane's your gal! She's been homeschooling long enough to have quite an opinion (or two) about homeschooling in Indina. Find out what Jane thinks, by sending your question to: > with "Jane's View" in the subject. ~ >> ---- IndianaHomeschoolers: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool ---- << Who HASN'T heard of the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List? Plenty! So tell a friend today, that the IndianaHomeschoolers List is just about the best place to discuss homeschooling in the state of Indiana! Subscribe for FREE!: > E-mail: > Web: PLUS: Find e-lists, resources and more on the Web Project: > Thanks for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool! >> ----------------------- ihen journal ---------------------- << [4] _______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________ by debbie harbeson > I might have less in the way of links this month because we had lots of discussions on topics such as: new list members considering homeschooling, spelling, driver's licenses, and record keeping. And one member started an big time thread with an idea to have everyone chime in on what county they live in. I think the IHEN Web Project plans to compile the information into a map on the Website showing the reach of the IndianaHomeschoolers list. -dh (Yup! She's right. -bbb) _____ If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website > and click on messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number in the "Msg #" search box. If you see an active link below, you can use that too! :-) You must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files. Subscription information is below. _____ Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list: LOCAL AREA RESOURCES: > Delaware County Activities > Zionsville Fall Art Classes and Math Club > Anderson Life Learning Center Fall Schedule > New Albany Tae Kwon Do and Tennis STATE RESOURCES: > Homeschool National Honor Society ONLINE RESOURCES: > High School Transcript Link: > > We Stand For Homeschooling Petition > Information on the Bryant Case in Massachusetts > High School Website: > > Web based forum sponsored by IHEN: > -- Deb Harbeson is the manager of the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List. Questions about IndianaHomeschoolers or how e-lists operate can be addressed to: > _____ RESOURCES: Subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list: > > ~ [5] _________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________ by jessica radtke > KEEPING YOUR HOMESCHOOL RECORDS "We don't HAVE to keep records, so why should we?" you may say. Well, you would be correct of course. In Indiana, we may not be required to keep anything other than attendance records, but there are many other reasons why homeschoolers may choose to keep records besides merely to meet state requirements. Peace of mind is usually quoted as the number one reason for keeping records. Having a piece of paper (or a file cabinet full) that "proves" that our child is learning simply makes some of us breath a little easier. As with so many homeschool related topics, the reasons for keeping records (or not) can be as numerous as the number of homeschoolers who choose to do so. -jr [Cut and paste long links cut by mail formatting.] _____ The following Web sites give just a sampling of the "whys" and even a few "how to-s" on record keeping from other homeschoolers: > > > > > > If you decide you want to keep records, you will also need to decide just what types of records you wish to keep. The following Web sites have links to many kinds of ready made forms, charts, sheets and organizers that can be downloaded and printed. (If the number of links in this list overwhelms you, at least check out the first couple of links. They are fantastic!): > > > (You may need to look around this area to find the items homeschoolers may find useful, but they are there.) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > wordtemplates.htm Here are a few more specific forms, products and articles that may be useful: CALENDARS (This is just a sample of what is available. There are lots more free calendars on-line.): > > > FIELD TRIP CHECKLISTS: > PEG'S UNIT STUDY CHECKLIST: > RECORD KEEPING FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS: (This article (in 4 parts) -- discusses GPA, standardized tests, writing a transcript, documenting extra-curricular activities and more) > page=116083&sp=1002&p=1015797 > > > HIGH SCHOOL PORTFOLIO IDEAS: > DOWNLOADABLE HOMESCHOOL PLANNERS/ORGANIZERS: > > There are also many homeschooling planners in both book and software format that one can purchase. The following Web site has a few examples, though there are many more available: > And here are a few more links that are not specifically homeschooling related, but are still useful for organizing and home record keeping: > > > > > > _____ Next month, more of course! If you have or know of an on-line resource, or if you own or know of a Web site you would like to spread the word about in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line," send the information to Jessica Radtke at: > ~ [6] _______________________________________ JUST THE FAQ's ___________ by janis chrissikos > BETWIXT AND BETWEEN July is a month of transition. Many homeschool families have finished formal schooling in June, and will begin again in August. What about July? Parents often find themselves wondering if their children learned all they "should" have in the past school year. What "should" they learn in the next year? Grade appropriate skills and content are a FAQ for homeschoolers of all ages. One place to start looking for the answers is the Indiana Department of Education's website. Point your browser to > to find grade level standards, teaching tools, and some assessment tools. On the World Book site > parents will find more suggestions for courses of study by grade level. For parents just looking for skill assessment tools, check out MacMillan/McGraw-Hill > index.html This site offers the Iowa Basic Skills test for math, grades 1-6. McGraw-Hill also offers Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) practice tests for grades 1-5 at > If online assessments are not your style, try the Core Knowledge Series by E.D. Hirsch Jr. Entitled What Your Kindergartner (First Grader, etc.) Needs to Know, this line of books takes you from 1st grade through 6th grade. For middle school children, Charles J. Shields offers Standardized Test Practice for 7th (8th) Grade. There are combination curriculum guide/lesson plan books for all grade levels. The Learn At Home series by American Education offers weekly lesson plans that incorporate worksheets and reproducible material for K-5. You can preview some pages at The Home Education Curriculum series by Jean Wolff, et al, is another useful tool for Kindergarten through 5th grade. Vincent Douglas has prepared The Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills for PreK-5. The My ___ Grade Super Yearbook series goes a little farther, providing basic skills guide lines typical for grades K-7. This series includes Math and English assessments, as well as vocabulary tests for grades 4-7. This series is offered through ESP Publishers. They also offer reproducible black-line workbooks with lesson plans and consumable text books for elementary through high school students designed for students who are finding their lessons more difficult. These resources can be found at > For more info, visit the IndianaHomeschoolers list archives > (You need to be a subscriber to access the archives.) to find similar threads. You'll also find answers to many FAQ's from the IndianaHomeschoolers list. The IHEN Web Project > has a FAQ database, where you can ask a question if you don't find the answer. Go to > to look for answers and ask questions you may have. -- Janis Chrissikos is the IHEN Journal's new FAQ checker and also an IHEN Allen County Contact. If you have a question you would like Janis to answer for you, she'll give it a try. Go to the IHEN FAQ's Database and click on the "Ask a Question" link. _____ RESOURCES: IHEN FAQ's Database > ~ >> --------- SUPPORT IHEN: Help Hoosiers Homeschool --------- << IHEN is an all volunteer, Web-based project, produced by the publisher of this e-mail newsletter: Peach Grove Press/eMedia. has one main goal: We want to Help Hoosiers Homeschool. If you believe as we do, that what we're doing is worthwhile, please consider supporting the IHEN Web Project. > Thank you for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool! >> ---------------------- ---------------------- << [7] _____________________________ HOMESCHOOLING IN THE NEWS __________ national home education network > Headlines from the recent issues of "Homeschooling in the News" from the National Home Education Network. See RESOURCES for subscription information. _____ The Hartwell Sun (opinion): Homeschooling is a valid > We human beings sometimes jump to conclusions. I did that with homeschooling. Valley News Dispatch: Bill would let homeschoolers participate in extracurricular activities > According to a proposed bill moving in the state Legislature, children who are homeschooled would be able to participate in extracurricular activities at the school district in which they reside. The Herald-Dispatch: Progress reports proposed for home-schooled children > Wayne County Board of Education members discussed Tuesday making progress reports for home-schooled children part of a school board policy. The Oregonian (letters): Accountability for home schooling > /editorial/105680178836901.xml I can't understand why Christine Webb, the author of the letter, "Biased against home schooling" (June 23), is so upset at having to have home-schooled students tested yearly if they, as she claims, do so well on these tests. ----- MINOR MENTIONS The Nevada City Union: Reform urged for foster care > NEWS/107030044 East Texas Review: Time for a revolution: Are black leaders blocking the door to better education? > Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: School districts competing for students >,1413,113~26794~1493393,00.html US Newswire: Public Schools Get Low Grades from African Americans in Poll; 70 Pct of African Americans Give Local Public Schools 'C' Grade or Lower > _____ RESOURCES: Write to this address to subscribe to "Homeschooling in the News" > Or visit the NHEN web site > ~ [8] _________________________________ RICK'S SCIENCE CORNER __________ by rick beymer director, online science academy > > SO... WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE ON THE SUN? The summer solstice has come and gone and now. > And the summer warmth has arrived with a vengeance. Speaking of hot: What about the level of activity on the sun's surface during this month? Check out the solar weather and much more at this site: > Ever wonder about your skin's response to ultraviolet radiation? Is it possible to get sunburn on a cloudy and windy day? Or have you gotten a wind burn? > Enjoy the sun, but don't forget your sunscreen. -- Rick Beymer is the Director of the Online Science Academy _____ RESOURCES: Rick Beymer's Online Science Academy > > ~ [9] ______________________________________ NHEN MONTHLY POV __________ national home education network > READ THEM ALL AT NHEN publishes hundreds of articles for homeschoolers to read. POV's are just a part of the vast resources NHEN has for parents with access to the internet. Why not start here with your exploration of homeschooling? _____ RESOURCES: NHEN Website: > Special webpages for New Homeschoolers: > Subscribe to N-H-E-N (New Homeschoolers' Encouragement Newsletter) > ~ >> ------------ AN AMAZON.COM ASSOCIATE ------------ << Buying from helps IHEN help Hoosier Homeschoolers. [click the link below to visit the Books Home Page] > >> ------------------- -------------------- << [10] _______________________________________________ IN-site __________ by benjamin bennett web project site editor > WHERE ARE WE? (location, location, location) Lots of activity on the IndianaHomeschoolers list this month! And "The Most Prolific Thread Award" goes to? envelope please: "Where We Are!" "We Are Here!" and, "Where are you?" Seriously, it was exciting to read everyone chiming in from all over the state. It made me feel good to know that the IHEN Web Project and the IndianaHomeschoolers list are helping homeschoolers in all corners of the state (and counties in between!) It means so much to the many volunteers and advisors who are part of the IHEN Web Project, to hear that their money, time and energies aren't misspent. When you think of it this summer, please take a moment to remember to support those of us who are working hard to make the Indiana Home Educators' Network ... work. Whether you support the Web Project with a small donation to keep the site in operation > -- or volunteer your skills via the IHEN Organizational Committee e-list > -- or simply help another homeschooler on the IndianaHomeschoolers list > every positive action YOU take Helps Hoosiers Homeschool. And THAT is what we do. So... how far is the IHEN Web Project reaching? To illustrate, we created a few new pages on the web site > to show just how many homeschoolers from how many counties are being reached by our network. It's still in progress, but you'll get the picture when you see it. If your county isn't listed, fear not! Included on the page is a handy link so you can let us know where you're at. You can include a comment if you wish. As always you can drop us a line to let us know how we're doing. We like mail! _____ RESOURCES: New Web Services for Summer 2003: Live Chat > Web Site Forum/Message Board > FAQ Database > Links Database > Write to IHEN Web Services > ~ [11] ____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________ > >> HOMESCHOOL OFFERINGS FROM MERRY LEA ELC OF GOSHEN COLLEGE Submitted by Paul D. Steury, Education Coordinator Merry Lea ELC of Goshen College > Note: Elementary equals first thru fifth and MS/HS equals 6th thru 12th. The campout's age range is 3rd thru 8th. -- Merry Lea ELC Home School 3rd Annual Campout!!! August 28 11am - August 29 3pm $20 per participant, three meals provided Call 260.799.5869 -- Merry Lea ELC Home School Course Offerings for 2003-04 will now be for both Elementary ages and Middle/High school. The hours of the class will be from 9am-3pm. Bring a lunch. The fee is $10 per child. We will meet at the Merry Lea Learning Center. Please call 260.799.5869 to register or if you have any questions. Also please check out our website at > River-September 11 Lake-October 9 Lowland Forest-November 13 Savannah-January 8 Upland Forest/Sugar Bush-March 11 Prairie-April 8 Wetland-May 13 -- Merry Lea Sunflower Festival September 27-28 Celebrate country life and the bounty within it -- Merry Lea Enchanted Forest October 24-25 This is a non-scary alternative to Halloween where you visit animals surrounding the wetland for a nocturnal conversation. -- EEAI Annual Conference October 17-19, 2003 the Environmental Education Association of Indiana will gather at Pokagon State Park for "Science, Song and Celebration"; the theme for the 2003 annual conference. The Banana Slug String Band who adds entertainment to science will be this year's keynote as well as leading a morning workshop and celebrating with us with a concert. They have songs such as "Dirt Made My Lunch" and "the Water Cycle Boogie" which makes learning fun. The avenues for attendees to follow will be Natural History, Curricula Enhancers, Issues and Philosophy, and Symphonies. Check out EEAI's website for more details at > ~ >> WANTED: YOUR POINTS OF INTEREST If you want your non-commercial support group promotional ad or meeting notice in our "Points of Interest" section, send your information to our Ad Manager before the 20th of the month. > ~ >> HAVE A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THAT HELPS HOOSIERS HOMESCHOOL? Then why not let those homeschoolers know who you are by advertising in either the "IHEN Journal" or on the web site. Heck! Why not both! We are running a limited time special: place an ad in the "IHEN Journal" for a year, and get a full year of advertising on the web site for free! Write for more information and don't forget to get the latest copy of our rate card: > (autoresponder) > ~ >> SUPPORT IHEN: HELP HOOSIERS HOMESCHOOL You can help in a big way, by supporting IHEN and Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. You'll find several ways to support the Web Project, including postal, payment by e-mail and credit card: > *Special perks in the works coming for support of $25 or more!* ~ | See you next month and daily on the IndianaHomeschoolers list! | [a] ______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________ > who's who; what's where at IHEN HOME BASE: > FREE SUBSCRIPTION: > TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: > SUBMISSIONS: > WEB & NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING: > _____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________ EDITOR: Deborah Resnick > DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Ben Bennett > PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > ADVERTISING MANAGER: Ben Bennett > DEPARTMENTS/COLUMNS/STAFF: IN-view STAFF: > Indiana E-list Digest: Deb Harbeson > Op-Ed and Letters: > Hoosier Homeschoolers Online: Jessica Radtke > Just the FAQ's: Janis Chrissikos > (Click "Ask a Question") WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS: Ben Bennett > Rick Beymer > Jane Casey > Janis Chrissikos > Debbie Harbeson > Marla James > Deanna Maidwell-Baatz > Betty Malone > NHEN > Jessica Radtke > Joe (Coach) Stull > _____ IHEN WEB PROJECT VOLUNTEERS, STAFF __________ WEB PROJECT COORDINATOR: > IHEN BOARD OF ADVISORS & VOLUNTEERS: > IHEN ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE LIST E-MAIL: > IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS: > WEB PROJECT DONATIONS/SUPPORT PAGE: > "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGER: Debbie Harbeson > WEB SITE EDITOR: Benjamin Bennett > IHEN-MARKET COORDINATOR: Tammy Marquam > IHEN'S PERSONAL CHESS TRAINER: Joe Stull > _____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________ The Indiana Home Educators' Network maintains, sponsors and affiliates with a variety of e-mail discussion lists. We only recommend the ones we find the most useful for Hoosier Homeschoolers. Above all, the volunteers here at the Web Project invite you to subscribe to our favorite e-mail list in the state: "IndianaHomeschoolers," a statewide, open e-mail list for networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. If you only want to subscribe to ONE e-list, IndianaHomeschoolers is IT. If you would like a list of the other e-lists IHEN recommends or moderates, go to our Web site: > _____ [UN]SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS __________ To subscribe to the "IHEN Journal" > To unsubscribe from the "IHEN Journal" > Subscribe UNsubscribe (You must unsub from your subscribed mail account for this to work) [b] _______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________ > forwarding guidelines Copyright (c)2003, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the author are copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests by e-mail to > "IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting the Web Project, and thank you for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. I Can Help Hoosiers Homeschool |IHEN| ____________________________________________________________________ The "IHEN Journal" is produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia Web: > | E-mail > ... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network. "All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?" Alternative Educators' Network Top | Index | Back to Newsletter Index
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