Index | Back to Newsletter Index __________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________ > #3.08 August 2003 An e-newsletter, published by the INDIANA HOME EDUCATORS' NETWORK >> The Web Project: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool Subscribe by e-mail > "IHEN Journal" Online & Back Issues > Support the IHEN Web Project > _____ "IHEN Journal" (c)2003, IHEN and respective authors if noted. All Rights Reserved. Non-commercial distribution rights allowed. See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter. ______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________ > [1] LETTER FROM THE EDITOR > [2] READERS... WRITE... LETTERS you read, you write, we read, we share > [3] JANE'S VIEW guest essay by tracey rollison the truth about kids > [4] INDIANAHOMESCHOOLERS E-LIST DIGEST by debbie harbeson a monthly sampler from the state's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list > [5] HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE by jessica radtke dolch words (sight words) > [6] JUST THE FAQ's by janis chrissikos gone fishin': janis will return next month to answer your FAQ's to "Ask a Question" > [7] HOMESCHOOLING IN THE NEWS from what's happening with homeschoolers *not* in indiana > [8] RICK'S SCIENCE CORNER by rick beymer there it is! mars!! right there! see it? > [9] NHEN MONTHLY POV from read them all on the NHEN web site > [10] IN-SITE by ben bennett batman and robin - 1 ~ porn spammers 0, nada, zilch > [11] POINTS OF INTEREST >> free distance learning programs offered by NASA >> where's YOUR point? (put your group's info/calendar here!) >> use IHEN's FREE ClassAds pages to sell your stuff >> want your ad to reach hundreds (maybe thousands) of homeschoolers? >> you can help hoosiers homeschool: support the IHEN Web Project _____ the standard stuff __________ > [a] CONTACTS & RESOURCE DIRECTORY who's who; staff and volunteers e-mail addresses [un]subscription instructions > [b] COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION forwarding guidelines __________________________________________________________________ [1] ________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________ by deborah resnick > As the summer flies by, most of us are beginning the task of looking ahead to the next year of homeschooling. We think about how we did things last year, and swear that we're going to do much better this year. I know that I look back and see all the mistakes I made and few of the successes. My message to everyone this month is to take a little time (now is good!) and put down on paper all the great things you did last year. Put down all the "wow" moments, the field trips, the things your child(ren) discovered on their own. Make sure you include the things you learned, too. Some things I did right last year was to take my son on three trips to the Indiana Children's Discovery Museum, read to him every night, and had him read to me. I learned that education is happening all the time, usually when you least expect it. I learned that Micah's schedule is not dictated by my needs, and that it's easier for me to adjust my schedule than spend twice as much time making him conform to it. Much more learning happens when Micah is engaged and not fighting with me. Most of all, I learned that no one learns in a vacuum. Although it may seem that we're alone, and the only one's going through something, there are always others who share our concerns and our ideas. Look for opportunities to learn outside of the box this school year, and make this year one of the best yet. Debbie Resnick, Editor _____ RESOURCES: Letters to the Editor: > ~ [2] ______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________ by indiana homeschoolers > From: K. Fiech > Date: July 8, 2003 Subject: Debbie Resnick's Comments in IHEN Newsletter You made the following statements in the IHEN newsletter: > "Whether or not we believe in God, consider ourselves to be > Christian, believe in the Koran or the Torah, is immaterial to > me. Being Wiccan, or Druid, or Atheist doesn't enter into how a > person supports, or doesn't support, this country....I hope > that this Independence Day will be, for all of us, a day to > reflect on the blessings we have in the United States of > America, and to more fully accept the differences that make this > country great. With, or without "under God." Debbie, do you actually understand why "no where else on earth can anyone come and have a chance to dream and attain that dream like here in the United States?" Do you understand that our Founding Fathers understood that our "rights" - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - we have came from "Nature's God, The Creator" and that they were "unalienable" - can't be taken away by man or any civil government? Wiccans, Druids, Atheists, and Muslims don't understand this and therefore don't have the religious or moral understanding to defend our rights against man and government who would seek to take these rights away. I think you need to look at the Declaration of Independence - read it line by line - and maybe you will begin to understand how important the God of the Bible was to the Founding Fathers and to the people at the time. Do some research into the matter for your sake and the sake of your homeschooled children. One place to start may be the God and Government series by Gary Demarr. Maybe then you may appreciate that Wiccans, Druids, Atheists, Jews, and Christian can all be thankful for the Christian roots of our Founding Fathers and colonists who based our government on the laws, precepts, and principles laid out in the Bible including the freedom to worship or not worship as they wish. Sincerely, Kurt Fiech West Lafayette, Indiana __________ From: Homeschooler in Southern Indiana Date: July 23, 2003 Subject: Porn Spammers on Some Indiana E-lists To the Mod Squad of the IndianaHomeschoolers list: Just a quick note to voice my appreciation for the swift actions you guys took to prevent the recent round of particularly ugly spam from reaching this list. The mere fact that not one shred of spam got through is a real tribute to how much you guys care about this list and its members. Spammers are incredibly devious and it's not easy to stay a step ahead of them. I for one am grateful to belong to a list who's moderators are aware of such problems and handle them with professionalism and diligence. Thank you, Mod Squad and keep up the great work! __________ Why not take a moment and let us know how YOU think we're doing? Put fingers to keys and write the editor, Deborah Resnick: > ~ [3] ___________________________________________ JANE'S VIEW __________ by jane casey > [Today I'd like to share an essay by one of our own IHEN Web Project Volunteers, Tracey Rollison. Thanks, Tracey, for a wonderful peek into your fun life as a Hoosier Homeschooler! -jc] THE TRUTH ABOUT KIDS: Sometimes it's easier to find than your keys I have a friend who, in her business, says, "Share with anyone who suspects kids might exist." After yesterday, I know I'm either infested with kids or poltergeists! I actually had a pretty busy day one day this week, dog days of summer notwithstanding. The kids didn't want to stop "school" for the summer; they are perpetually curious and not helping them learn would be a punishment from their standpoint. At one point I was multi-tasking and doing laundry while on the phone with a friend. The kids weren't being too quiet, so I thought I was safe. Just before we were to leave to go meet my husband for an evening get-together with friends, Alec, 6, ran up to me and said urgently, "I accidentally locked the door to the bathroom and my shoes are in there." I said, "You can wear your sandals," and went to get my keys from the hook. No keys. I asked Bella, 4, who'd donned a satin dress and was carrying a sequined purse, and was drawing on her knees with body glitter, "Have you seen my keys?" She said, "Alec got something out of the car." So I called him, and he said, "Oh, yeah. I had to get my trick ink." After a lot of questioning, during which he claimed sanctuary at St. Poor Memory, he said he thought he'd brought them in the kitchen. So he was sent beneath the table to hunt. He failed to find them, so I checked the car to see if he'd locked them in, and noticed something rubber sticking out of the trunk. I asked him if he'd been in the trunk, and, yes he had. Luckily, our new car came with lockout service. So while we were waiting for the guy to arrive, I took the knob off the door to get into the bathroom, only to discover Alec's shoes weren't in there. We sat down on the couch and read several chapters of a book together, if only to keep them from taking the knob off the door again. The lockout service guy popped the lock quickly, and yes, my keys and Alec's shoes were BOTH in the trunk. The strange thing I'd seen was the rubber strap of a scuba mask, which *somehow* had gotten tied multiple times around the internal safety handle of the trunk. Alec can't tie yet. Although the guy got into the car quickly, he couldn't remove the tool he'd used. After about an hour of trying, he took the door panel partway off to discover the speaker wire was tangled in the tool. I got bolt cutters from the neighbor, but it was too small (ours was even smaller). For another hour, this guy had his arm inside the partially-removed panel. The kids watched closely (too closely) and asked us both dozens of questions, literally. After a string of questions relating to the weather and electricity, Bella asked, "Does lightening move through metal?" "Yes." She responded, "Well, what does air move through?" "Uh, well...." The guy laughed out loud, then said, "It's more a matter of what holds air down to the earth!" In that last hour, the poor guy got sprinkled on in the poor light from the overcast evening; our dog got out of the house and headed for the car, jumping on his stomach to get in the open car door; and at one point he sat up quickly as Bella danced, twirling, a little too close to him and socked him in the eye with the back of her hand. And just as he finally got his tool out -- two hours after arriving -- the clouds opened and it downpoured. We both got soaked as he filled out his paperwork and I signed it. And all through it, he was a nice guy! No kids, not an uncle, is happy in his job (but if all calls had been like mine, might not be.) I think he suspects kids exist, though. ;-) _____ Tracey Rollison is a Supervisor for Usborne Books at Home > > _____ Want to know what Jane Casey thinks? Got a question that needs answered? Jane's your gal! She's been homeschooling long enough to have quite an opinion (or two) about homeschooling in Indina. Find out what Jane thinks, by sending your question to: > with "Jane's View" in the subject. ~ >> ---- IndianaHomeschoolers: Helping Hoosiers Homeschool ---- << Who HASN'T heard of the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion List? Plenty! So tell a friend today, that the IndianaHomeschoolers List is just about the best place to discuss homeschooling in the state of Indiana! Subscribe for FREE!: > E-mail: > Web: PLUS: Find e-lists, resources and more on the Web Project: > Thanks for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool! >> ----------------------- ihen journal ---------------------- << [4] _______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________ by debbie harbeson > Summertime certainly did not slow the list. The list was hopping with discussions on topics such as curriculum, legal aspects and teens. The list also broke the 400 member mark recently. -dh _____ If you want to go to a specific post, go to our website > and click on messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number in the "Msg #" search box. If you see an active link below, you can use that too! :-) You must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files. Subscription information is below. _____ Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list: LOCAL AREA RESOURCES: > Fall Science Workshops for ages 11-14 in Whitestown > Various homeschool opportunities in Zionsville area > Delaware County information STATE RESOURCES: > Christian Homeschool Workshop in Michigan August 24-27 2003 > Information on Abeka homeschool displays throughout Indiana > Information about Civil Air Patrol ONLINE RESOURCES: > Nationwide Homeschool Attorney List startup: > > How Stuff Works website: > > IHEN's new free Classified Ads Service > Indiana Dept. of Education's FAQ page > Link to song about the Periodic Table _____ RESOURCES: Subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list: > > ~ [5] _________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________ by jessica radtke > DOLCH WORDS (SIGHT WORDS) It is estimated that anywhere from 50 to 85% (depending on the source) of the words used in school books, library books and other reading material for children are listed in the Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 words. The Dolch words, also known as sight words, are primarily "service words" (pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs) which cannot be learned through the use of pictures. (There is a separate list of the 95 most frequently used nouns as well.) Many of the Dolch words do not follow the usual phonetics rules and therefore cannot be sounded out. They must be recognized at a glance in order for a child to read swiftly and with confidence. For the basic Dolch word list see > You may notice if you go looking for the Dolch word list that it can be found in different forms. Some sources will list the Dolch words in alphabetical order while others list them by order of frequency. Other sources have lists that are divided into "grade levels" (pre-K through third grade). The "pre-primer" (or pre-K) list is the group of words with the overall highest frequency -- a, and, the, go, I, you, etc. The following site has an overall frequency list (not broken down by "grade level") as used in one school. This particular school focuses on just 6-7 words per week for the school year in order to learn the whole 220 word list. > This next site, on the other hand, has a list that shows not only the words listed by "grade level" but also broken down into easy to read words (kindergarten skill level) and more difficult words. I chose to provide a link to this list as opposed to one that simply gives the Dolch list broken down into "grade levels" because I think this list best illustrates the fact that the "grade level" assigned to any given Dolch word doesn't necessarily mean that that word is easily readable at that skill level. The "grade level" simply indicates that those words were found most frequently in books intended for that grade level and higher and were found less frequently in books intended for lower grade levels. > The Dolch word list is the most commonly used list of this type, but it is not the only one. Because the Dolch word list was comprised in 1936, some educators consider it outdated and instead use a newer list, known as the Fry list (aka the "instant sight word" list). It is made up of 300 words. A PDF version of the Fry list is available at the following site: > The following page is on the importance of Dolch words. It has a short list of common children's books and the percentage of Dolch words included in those books. > Guidelines for estimating a young child's reading level by the number of Dolch words they can recognize: > A passage using all 220 of the Dolch words: > Ideas for using the Dolch words as a starting point for teaching word families and homophones: > A really nice set of Dolch word cards by Jan Brett. Great for Bingo! > MORE DOLCH BASED PRINTABLES (PHRASES, LISTS, FLASH CARDS, WORD SEARCHES, ETC.): > > > IDEAS TO TEACH AND REINFORCE SIGHT WORDS: > > SIGHT WORD BASED GAMES (OFF-LINE): > > > ON-LINE GAMES: > > _____ Next month, more of course! If you have or know of an on-line resource, or if you own or know of a Web site you would like to spread the word about in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line," send the information to Jessica Radtke at: > ~ [6] _______________________________________ JUST THE FAQ's ___________ by janis chrissikos > GONE FISHIN' [Janis will return next month to answer your questions. Until then, don't forget to check out IHEN's FAQ's Database (link below) where you can find answers or as questions of Janis and our other IHEN Web Project Volunteers.] -- Janis Chrissikos is the IHEN Journal's new FAQ checker and also an IHEN Allen County Contact. If you have a question you would like Janis to answer for you, she'll give it a try. Go to the IHEN FAQ's Database and click on the "Ask a Question" link. _____ RESOURCES: IHEN FAQ's Database > ~ >> --------- SUPPORT IHEN: Help Hoosiers Homeschool --------- << IHEN is an all volunteer, Web-based project, produced by the publisher of this e-mail newsletter: Peach Grove Press/eMedia. has one main goal: We want to Help Hoosiers Homeschool. If you believe as we do, that what we're doing is worthwhile, please consider supporting the IHEN Web Project. > Thank you for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool! >> ---------------------- ---------------------- << [7] _____________________________ HOMESCHOOLING IN THE NEWS __________ national home education network > Headlines from the recent issues of "Homeschooling in the News" from the National Home Education Network. See RESOURCES for subscription information. ALSO: Remember to cut and paste overly long or broken links into your browser's URL address window. _____ Lewisville Leader: Back to (home) school: Resources expand for parents wishing to educate their children > newsid=9940153&PAG=461&rfi=9 With 2 million students home-schooled nationwide and 100,000 in Texas, this is not a fringe population. Families are exiting the public-school system for specific reasons. KPVI-TV: HOME-SCHOOLING > Do regulations need to be put in place for Idaho home-schoolers? It's a question the Governor's Education Task Force has been looking at for the past two months. Palm Beach Post: Home-schoolers prepare for school year > thursday/local_news_f382c8aa4305d04600f9.html How does a parent prepare her children for the start of the school year when they aren't going back to school? For the 2,800 parents who have recently registered with the district their intentions to educate their children at home, there are a handful of upcoming events and meetings aimed at helping them answer that question. The Salt Lake Tribune: Davis to help home schools > Here's a twist: A Utah school district is ready to test a program to help parents who want to home-school their kids. And the Davis School District pilot project is attracting so much interest that it might not have enough spots to meet the demand. Washington Evening Journal: Transition smooth from home school to college > PAG=461&dept_id=142778&rfi=6 Walking around Kirkwood Community College you will notice more than just "traditional" and "non-traditional" students. Among the thousands will be young men and women who have never experienced a public school system. _____ RESOURCES: Write to this address to subscribe to "Homeschooling in the News" > Or visit the NHEN web site > ~ [8] _________________________________ RICK'S SCIENCE CORNER __________ by rick beymer director, online science academy > > TIME TO SEE MARS LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE, AND NEVER WILL AGAIN Time to check out mars retrograde and other neat information about the red planet. This site will enable you to keep track of the red planets movements in the month of August and September. Check this out. > [Here is extra information, forwarded from both Betty and Becki via the IndianaHomeschoolers e-list. There were no links provided but I'm sure this will give a teate of what you'll find on the link Rick provides. Thanks, ladies, for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool!] MARS APPROACH: CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH MARS This may be of interest if you are planning astronomy studies this upcoming year. Here is, literally, a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the RED PLANET closer than anyone you know! Never again in your lifetime will the Red Planet be so spectacular. This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars, an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the last 5,000 years but it may be as long as 60,000 years. The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification Mars will look as large as the full moon to he naked eye. Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August, Mars will rise in the east at 10 p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m. But by the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30 a.m. That's pretty convenient when it comes to seeing something that no human has seen in recorded history. So mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month. Share with your children and grandchildren. No one alive today will ever see this again. -- Rick Beymer is the Director of the Online Science Academy _____ RESOURCES: Rick Beymer's Online Science Academy > > ~ [9] ______________________________________ NHEN MONTHLY POV __________ national home education network > READ THEM ALL AT NHEN publishes hundreds of articles for homeschoolers to read. POV's are just a part of the vast resources NHEN has for parents with access to the internet. Why not start here with your exploration of homeschooling? _____ RESOURCES: NHEN Website: > Special webpages for New Homeschoolers: > Subscribe to N-H-E-N (New Homeschoolers' Encouragement Newsletter) > ~ >> ------------ AN AMAZON.COM ASSOCIATE ------------ << Buying from helps IHEN help Hoosier Homeschoolers. [click the link below to visit the Books Home Page] > >> ------------------- -------------------- << [10] _______________________________________________ IN-SITE __________ by benjamin bennett web project site editor > BATMAN AND ROBIN - 1 ~ PORN SPAMMERS - 0 CURRENT SITE NEWS: You may not have heard that the IndianaHomeschoolers Discussion List was hit several times last month with e-mail posts that looked innocent at first, but after closer reading, were actually pornographic in nature and included links to porn sites. They were written by people who subscribed to the various lists, who then sent the post(s) and unsubscribed. Oh... you DIDN'T see any of those on the IndianaHomeschoolers List? Well you're not crazy. You're right. You didn't see any porn spams on IndianaHomeschoolers, because your list managers -- Deb Harbeson (alias Batman) and myself (alias Robin) -- saw this trend in spam attacks coming, and took precautions in advance to make sure that you (or your kids) didn't get a free pass to pornville through your favorite Hoosier homeschooling e-list. :-) Many other lists (not just YahooGroups and not just Indiana homeschooling lists) weren't so fortunate. Am I tooting our horn a little here? Mmmmmmmaybe. I get a kick out of thwarting spammers; what can I say? But the bigger issue here is that we want you to be proud of being a part of this "virtual community." We also want you to feel safe, knowing that there are real people -- and Hoosiers t'boot! -- involved in managing this e-list community, not just monitoring, or worse, mother-henning it to death. We try to strike a balance that makes this a useful public forum for as many people as possible. In order to do that, we end up tolerating many things and many ideas and perspectives. But pornographic or deliberate spamming get nowhere in this community. I hope we can keep that kind of garbage in the background for good. "WHERE WE ARE" UPDATE: If you read this space last month, we were all finding out where everyone on the IndianaHomeschoolers list was from. To bring some perspective to those threads, we created a page on the Resources directory that illustrated the reach of the IndianaHomeschoolers statewide e-list (based on the people who posted their county of residence.) > Check it out and see if your county is listed. There is also a link to add YOUR name or comment to the page. It was great to hear from people from all over the state. It humbled many of the Web Project Volunteers to know how far we're reaching, and how much we're Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. WEDNESDAY BRUNCH CHATS ARE CATCHING ON: Our Wednesday Brunch Chats are getting bigger, and more fun. If you're at the computer this Wed. the 13th at 11:00 Central, come by and say hi to yours truly. I'll be in the hot seat and ready to answer questions about the IHEN Web Project. Just go to this address: > click on the "Chat" button, wait for the Java Applet to load (it takes awhile sometimes) then come on in for a live chat! Past chat logs and other documents can be found here: > OKAY, I'M DONE: I'll save the rest for next month, and leave you with a little reminder: When you think of it this summer, please take a moment to remember to support those of us who are working hard to make the Indiana Home Educators' Network ... work. There are many volunteers who are putting in many hours to simply Help Hoosiers Homeschool. Contributions to help pay the site hosting fees will help keep this project growing for years to come. To support the Web Project with your donations, simply point your browser to: > _____ RESOURCES: New Web Services for Summer 2003: FREE Classified Ads Service: IHEN's ClassAds! > Live Chat: Any time, or every Wed. at 11:00 AM for hosted chats. > Web Site Forum/Message Board > FAQ Database > Links Database > Write to IHEN Web Services > ~ [11] ____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________ > >> FREE NASA PROGRAMS: >> MAKE LEARNING MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY FUN! By Ashley Walter NASA Distance Learning Assistant Resourceful, instructive, fun, and (here's the biggie) free are just a few words that describe the programs produced by NASA's Center for Distance Learning. These programs provide the research-standard-based teaching of mathematics, science, and technology to students of all ages. Educators and students use NASA's facilities and staff are used to tie classroom teaching to real life situations through problem solving, research, and hands-on activities. These free programs are not copyrighted. Broadcast and off-air rights are unlimited and granted in perpetuity. NASA's Kids' Science News NetworkT (KSNNT) NASA's Kids Science News NetworkT (KSNN) is an award-winning program that explains the answers to everyday mathematics, science, and technology questions. Although NASA's KSNNT targets K-2 and 3-5 audiences, students of all ages find it useful. NASA's KSNNT starts out with a 1-minute video that answers a question and offers a visual explanation. From NASA's KSNNT web site > you can download the 1-minute video written explanation, hands-on activity, print and electronic resources, and a computer-graded quiz. NASA's KSNNT is also offered in Spanish at > NASA Science FilesT The NASA Science FilesT is an EmmyR-award-winning series that gives students in grades 3-5 a 60-minute instructional way to use problem based learning (PBL), scientific inquiry, and the scientific method to teach students to use critical thinking and shows them how they can become active problem solvers. The NASA SCIence FilesT also highlights career possibilities in mathematics, science, and technology fields. The series has an educational broadcast, a companion educator guide with objectives, vocabulary, activities, worksheets, and an interactive web site > that features a PBL activity. NASA SCIence FilesT airs nationally on cable access, ITV, and PBS member stations and can also be taped for later use. NASA CONNECTT NASA CONNECTT is an EmmyR-award-winning series of mathematics-focused programs designed for students in grades 6-8. These programs show students how mathematics, science, and technology concepts taught in the classroom connect with concepts that are used in the real world. The series has a 30-minute broadcast, a companion educator guide with objectives, vocabulary, hands-on activity, and a web site > which offers an interactive, web-based activity. The educator guide contains a hands-on-activity along with the web-based activity which emphasizes the purpose of the program. You can find NASA CONNECTT nationally on cable access, ITV, and PBS member stations. Programs can also be taped for later use. NASA LIVET NASA LIVE T (Learning through Interactive Videoconferencing Experiences) provides a new branch in education and teaching. NASA LIVET is a series of videoconferencing programs that gives students and educators opportunities for learning, educational enhancement and professional development. NASA LIVET transports students and educators to an interactive, virtual world in which they interact with NASA researchers who communicate NASA knowledge and exchange ideas with participants. NASA LIVET makes NASA accessible virtually, without the hassle and expense of travel. The program was designed to strengthen NASA's commitment to educational excellence for all grade levels. You can access the web site at > Find more exciting programs from NASA's Center For Distance Learning by visiting > or by calling 757-864-6100. In addition to accessing program information online, you can access materials through the NASA Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE), which serves as a worldwide distribution center for NASA-produced multimedia materials > The NASA Educator Resource Center Network (ERCN) provides educators with demonstrations of educational technologies, and educators have the opportunity to preview, copy, and/or receive NASA instructional products. > ~ >> WANTED: YOUR POINTS OF INTEREST If you want your non-commercial support group promotional ad or meeting notice in our "Points of Interest" section, send your information to our Ad Manager or directly to the IHEN Journal before the 20th of the month. > > ~ >> HAVE A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THAT HELPS HOOSIERS HOMESCHOOL? >> IHEN ClassAds SECTION ON THE WEB SITE CAN SELL YOUR STUFF! How silly is it to not take advantate of a free advertising resource? Right. Downright silly. The Web Project has a free ClassAd service on the web site. Got something to sell, trade or buy? What are you waiting for? Check our our ClassAds page! > ~ >> WANT YOUR ADVERTISING TO REACH HUNDREDS OF HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS? ...then think about advertising in this very periodical. The small fee will not only go towards Helping Hoosiers Homeschool (by supporting the IHEN Web Project) but it'll reach hundreds of homeschooling parents throughout Indiana! Space is limited to so think about it and drop our Ad Manager an e-mail. He'll help you make the right decision. > > (to receive current rates and specials) ~ >> SUPPORT IHEN: HELP HOOSIERS HOMESCHOOL You can help in a big way, by supporting IHEN and Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. You'll find several ways to support the Web Project, including postal, payment by e-mail and credit card: > *Special perks in the works coming for support of $25 or more!* ~ | See you next month and daily on the IndianaHomeschoolers list! | [a] ______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________ > who's who; what's where at IHEN HOME BASE: > FREE SUBSCRIPTION: > TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: > SUBMISSIONS: > WEB & NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING: > _____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________ EDITOR: Deborah Resnick > DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Ben Bennett > PUBLISHER: Peach Grove Press/eMedia > ADVERTISING MANAGER: Ben Bennett > DEPARTMENTS/COLUMNS/STAFF: IN-view STAFF: > Indiana E-list Digest: Deb Harbeson > Op-Ed and Letters: > Janes View: Jane Casey > Hoosier Homeschoolers Online: Jessica Radtke > Just the FAQ's: Janis Chrissikos > (Click "Ask a Question") WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS: Ben Bennett > Rick Beymer > Jane Casey > Janis Chrissikos > Debbie Harbeson > Marla James > Deanna Maidwell-Baatz > Betty Malone > NHEN > Jessica Radtke > Tracey Rollison > Joe (Coach) Stull > _____ IHEN WEB PROJECT VOLUNTEERS, STAFF __________ WEB PROJECT COORDINATOR: > IHEN BOARD OF ADVISORS & VOLUNTEERS: > IHEN WEB PROJECT VOLUNTEERS: > IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS: > WEB PROJECT DONATIONS/SUPPORT PAGE: > "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGER: Debbie Harbeson > WEB PROJECT SITE EDITOR: Benjamin Bennett > IHEN-MARKET (ClassAds) COORDINATOR: Tammy Marquam > IHEN'S PERSONAL CHESS TRAINER: Joe Stull > _____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________ The Indiana Home Educators' Network maintains, sponsors and affiliates with a variety of e-mail discussion lists. We only recommend the ones we find the most useful for Hoosier Homeschoolers. Above all, the volunteers here at the Web Project invite you to subscribe to our favorite e-mail list in the state: "IndianaHomeschoolers," a statewide, open e-mail list for networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. If you only want to subscribe to ONE e-list, IndianaHomeschoolers is IT. If you would like a list of the other e-lists IHEN recommends or moderates, go to our Web site: > _____ [UN]SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS __________ To subscribe to the "IHEN Journal" > To unsubscribe from the "IHEN Journal" > Subscribe UNsubscribe (You must unsub from your subscribed mail account for this to work) [b] _______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________ > forwarding guidelines Copyright (c)2003, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the author are copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests by e-mail to > "IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting the Web Project, and thank you for Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. I Can Help Hoosiers Homeschool |IHEN| ____________________________________________________________________ The "IHEN Journal" is produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia Web: > | E-mail > ... in partnership with the Alternative Educators' Network. "All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?" Alternative Educators' Network Top | Index | Back to Newsletter Index
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