by the ihen staff
When it comes right down
to it, when we are asked what IHEN is all about what do we DO?
all we can think of, off the tops of our heads is: "We
network with other homeschooling parents throughout Indiana. While we
do this, we Help Hoosiers Homeschool."
That's about it.
We have found ourselves
with a pretty popular e-mail discussion list (an e-list) called IndianaHomeschoolers
that has been Helping Hoosiers Homeschool for several years now. Above
all else, this particular e-list resource is what IHEN seems to do best.
We've helped Hoosiers network with each other through the immediacy of
the Internet. The ideas and wisdom that has been shared by our subscribers
over the years has returned many a "thank you" note from new
and longtime homeschoolers alike. Most have one simple thing to say: "I'm
glad I found this group!"
Well, we're glad you found
us too!
Please take a moment to
read about our various list services and networking opportunities. Write
to a list moderator (owner) and ask a question if you like. Or subscribe
to a list and jump right in! It's what we're here for. It's what we do
best, and we're glad to be of service to Hoosiers interested in Homeschooling!


The Largest Statewide E-list for Homeschoolers
IHEN-News Newsletter Subscription List
IndianaSingleschoolers For single parents or
dual income families who homeschool.
A list for parents of special kids.
IHEN-TeenTalk A list for teen
IHEN-Books A Reader's List.
IHEN LegalEagles Discussions on legislative
issues involving homeschooling in Indiana.
IHEN-WebProject (an IHEN organizing, working

Networking & Discussion List
is IHEN's cornerstone discussion list. You could say, this list started
it all. Professionally managing e-lists is where we started and all our
lists will always remain a priority for IHEN.
has helped thousands of parents with their decision to homeschool. And
with well over 1,000 subscribers and growing... we hope to continue providing
this free, quality service to Hoosier Homeschoolers.

Journal and Web Project News/PR List: This is a broadcast only newsletter
e-list for IHEN news, announcements, newsletter mailings and press releases.
Journalists are encouraged to subscribe to receive press releases.
Subscribe by e-mail: IHEN-News-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IHEN-News/
Write to the IHEN Journal Staff: JournalStaff@ihen.org
A specialty, low volume e-list for single parents or families with two
working parents.
Subscribe by e-mail: IndianaSingleschoolers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IndianaSingleschoolers/

is an e-list community for parents who homeschool
special needs children. Staffed by our IHEN Special Needs Advisors (SNAs)
and better suited for the more detailed questions and answers you're looking
Subscribe by e-mail: IHEN-SpecialKids-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IHEN-SpecialKids/
TeenTalk is an e-list community with the quality of IndianaHomeschoolers,
but made for, and co-managed by teen-aged homeschoolers (and their parents.)
Subscribe by e-mail: IHEN-TeenTalk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IHEN-TeenTalk/

We started this list, for the book-lovers among us. Children who
homeschool, aren't the ONLY heavy readers out there, and we've begun a
discussion list for those of you who like reading, and telling others
about what you've read. Come join in and let us know what YOU'VE been
reading lately!

Legislative updates, homeschooling news and discussion. Usually only heavy
traffic when there are issues before the legislature that affect homeschooling
or education law.
Subscribe by e-mail: IHEN-LegalEagles-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IHEN-LegalEagles/

The IHEN Web Project List was set up to help network, those people
interested in working with and for IHEN, to make it the best homeschooling
organization in the state of Indiana. In order to make the working list
work we ask that those who subscribe to the list, post their suggestions
or ideas at least once every two weeks or so. If you know you don't have
the time to spare right now, ask how you can help
IHEN in other ways.