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Well... we've been working on that. The best we can come up with (until someone writes something much better) is that resources to homeschoolers are like tools to the contractor. And just about anything, at any time can be used as a tool. There just isn't much out there that can't be related somehow to learning something.

In the Internet World... this means links. Links to recommended web sites, hints on the best e-mail discussion lists (e-lists) around the state and country (like IndianaHomeschoolers) little nuggets of formerly unknown sources of special information become the TOOLS used by many parents who educate their own children. Hopefully, a sharing parent will pass these sources along, hence, turning them into Resources. That's how it works.

And we're sticking to that story until a better one comes along. :-)


If you are interested in promoting your service, resource or event of interest to homeschoolers, write to us at: Advertising@ihen.org


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NEW > IHEN Legal Resources
Here are a list of links to follow if you are researching the legal aspects of homeschooling in Indiana and throughout the country, or if you are thinking about needing the services of an attorney. Certainly the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a great source for homeschoolers nationwide, but there are certainly other resources out there.

IHEN Directions Page!
A week doesn't go by when someone asks someone else for directions on the IndianaHomeschoolers discussoin list. Now we can give you directions to many popular homeschooler fieldtrip locations. We even take requests!

NEW > Field Tripping!
Every month in Indiana, there's a good reason to Get Out and go somewhere. Homeschoolers have the advantage of being able to "fieldtrip" any time they want. Check out our Indiana Fieldtripping page! It's where IndianaHomeschoolers tell you where to go!

How Big is IHEN's Reach?
June 2003 on the IndianaHomeschoolers list brought out, well... everybody! The "Where Are YOU?" thread turned out to be an amazing look at how far throughout the state of Indiana, IHEN and the IndianaHomeschoolers list reaches. Now it's the question: "Where ISN'T the IndianaHomeschoolers list?"

NEW > Hot Links!
The subscribers to IHEN's IndianaHomeschoolers list pass on their latest and greatest list of useful, interesting, or just plain odd resources. Think of this as a potluck at the Internet Cafe.

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