are many advertising formats and price ranges available to help your
message reach Hoosier Homeschoolers. IHEN's number one goal is to
Help Hoosiers Homeschool. It's our motto! Because your message is helps
also, you will find we are more than willing to work within your advertising
If it weren't
for you, supporting the IHEN Web Project, we wouldn't be able to Help
Hoosiers Homeschool. We truly appreciate your support and your business.
take a moment to explore what level of support fits your advertising
plans. Then please contact us
with a New Advertising Client Form so we can begin helping YOU,
reach Hoosier Homeschoolers.
| column ads | buttons
| text ads | PSAs
ads are standardized by size, measured in pixels. All IHEN web sites
use banner ads in the top (prime) section of most every page of the
site. Banners are rotated per page view with a maximum of six ads rotating
at the same time. Two of those ads are guaranteed to be IHEN In House
ads, promoting IHEN properties. This keeps the overall cost of sponsoring
the entire site down, by spreading out the ad space.
Banner Ad (Major site sponsor) 468x60 |
interior pages might display the banner at half size at the top
of the main text column, and the Standard Banner Ad at the bottom
of the page. No need to supply two artwork sizes. Many site viewers
appreciate the more subtle advertising.
These ads are displayed at the top of some interior pages WITH
Standard Banner, which is at the bottom. They
are included in ad package price.
Standard Banner Ad 234x30
Banner Ad (Support and Resource Directory pages only) 325x50
Statewide Support and Resource
Directory is growing every day! With over half of Indiana counties
reporting in with support group and resources information, our directory
is the perfect place to DIRECTLY advertise to homeschoolers in a
specific area of the state. List yourself as a resource and make
sure you're noticed with a special Mini Banner Ad. One county, multi-county
and entire directory rates are available.

In Progress

In Progress

ADS (and points of interest ads)
ads appear throughout the site, and are usually based on special
theme pages. They may include a bit of text and a link or two to
the advertiser. Prices are negotiated on a case by case basis. Text
ads can be as simple as planned placement of various links within
special sections, that point to the advertiser. Text ads usually
stay on the special theme pages for as long as those pages exist.
Ad Sample
With IHEN, every time you
HERE you get to read
about how we are Helping
Hoosiers Homeschool! |
POI Ad Section (below) |
of Interest Ads
Points of Interest (POI) sections appear at the bottom left corner
of every content page of the IHEN web site. This is the perfect
place to cost effectively show your support AND make sure that your
message appears in good company with other well known homeschooling
resources around the state and country. Subscription to the POI
sections is yearly only and text is limited to a short headline
link. |

(Public Service Announcements)
