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Here is a sample letter a parent might use in requesting transfer of their child's/children's' school records from their original school to the new homeschool/private school. This is sample text only. You are encouraged to use your own words when writing your local public school and school officials to request records transfers. Just remember, the simpler and most direct, the better.

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003
From: Rebecca Peterson, IHEN Web Project Volunteer

One thing people need to be aware of is the fact that schools a lot of times will not send (or give) copies of records to an address that is not on official school letter head. People need to know their child's records are the property of the parents and they might have to raise a stink to get copies. This is a problem which has happened A LOT in Hamilton County.

[While this may be happening a lot in districts where the Superintendants believe they are defacto guardians of YOUR children, it is not as wide spread a practice as it appears. And it is more rare, when the parent fully knows his or her rights in the matter, and states her case matter-of-factly. There is simply no legal reason that a school can or should withhold access to your child's school records. Whether still attending, leaving, or transferring to another school, including a homeschool, parents have a right to see the state files on his or her child. -ed]

Federal and State laws require officials to provide access to their child's school records. Here are three websites for more information and clarification:

Indiana Commission on Public Records Records Management - Care of Indiana Public School Records page: http://www.in.gov/icpr/records_management/pubs/schlrec2.html#a2aa

Specific Indiana Code Citation Parental Acces to Educational Records: http://www.ai.org/legislative/ic/code/title20/ar10.1/ch22.4.html

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information: http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/exceptional/speced/topics/ferp/ferpa.html

If you are having problems with receiving your child's school records, and need specific help with the Indiana State Code, write to The Homeschool Liasan at the Indiana DOE for help. And as always you can subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers E-list for Hoosier Homeschoolers. Lots of good advice and support can be had there. We've been Helping Hoosiers Homeschool since the turn of the century.


City, State, Zip


We, Mr. & Mrs. [YOUR NAME], parents of [YOUR CHILD'S NAME], hereby notify [OLD SCHOOL NAME], of the transfer of [YOUR CHILD'S NAME] from [OLD SCHOOL NAME].

[CHILD'S NAME] will no longer be the responsibility of the [SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME] school district, as [S/HE] will be educated privately.

We are requesting a copy of [HIS/HER] records be sent to the address below.

City, State Zip

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.

[Signature of Parent or Guardian]

Updated: 07-07-09

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