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(Christian Homeschool Association of/for Teens)
County Served: Allen
Contact: Julie
Phone: 260.749.0597
Comments: CHAT is an area wide, member run group which
offers many different activities for area homeschool teenagers.
Whether you would like social activities, ballroom dance classes,
courtship discussions, game nights, or free Civic Theater tickets
they have a lot to offer for a homeschool teen.
Wayne Area Home Schools
County Served: Allen
Address: PO Box 12954, Fort Wayne, IN 46866-2954
Phone: 260.625.2134
E-mail: info@fwahs.org
Web: http://www.fwahs.org
Comments: A
Christian homeschool support group serving the Fort Wayne Area.
FWAHS publishes a quarterly newsletter, hosts an annual resource
expo and provides various opportunities for home schoolers to
meet and encourage one another. See Newsletter
information below.
(Home Educators Applying Righteous Truth)
County Served: Allen
Contact Person(s): Pam
Main Contact Phone: 260.492.1831
Comments: HEART
was formed to provide information and support to homeschooling
families. A variety of events are offered to meet those goals
as well as to encourage Christian fellowship. Opportunities include
monthly meetings (workshops and/or topics), field trips, Moms'
Night Out, Couples' Night Out, field day, camping trip, a lending
library, swim and park days, Jr. High/Sr. High Activities, and
a web site.
and Learn Fort Wayne
County Served: Allen
Contact Person(s): Susan
Penrod, Carole Smith at 637.5707
E-list: To join it send a blank e-mail to LiveandLearnFortWayne-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Comments: This is an inclusive group welcoming all faiths
and homeschooling styles. There are a variety of activities for
kids and discussion time for parents. All ages, all homeschooling
styles and all faiths welcomed.
- Northeastern Indiana Catholic Home Educators
County Served:
Web: http://www.thmg.com/fortwaynecatholichomeschool
Comments: We
provide spiritual, service, social, field trip, and other activity
opportunities for families in the Fort Wayne and surrounding areas.
Our main gathering is a Mass with activities following on the
first Friday of every month at Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic
Church, 7215 St. Joe Road, Fort Wayne. Attendance
at activities is open to all persons, single or married, regardless
of religious affiliation, whether homeschooling or nonhomeschooling.
Indiana LIFE (Learning In a Family Environment)
County Served: Allen and surrounding
Contact: Lyndy Poyser
Phone: 219.854.2302
or subscribe by e-mail: Subscribe
Northeast Indiana LIFE is a small inclusive group open to all
homeschoolers in or around NE Indiana, regardless of race or religion.
Right now we have members from Ft. Wayne to LaGrange, IN. Our
philosophy is that our children's education is of the utmost importance.
We are mostly an email support group for parents to post upcoming
events, discuss curricula, or any other topic or idea, but we
occasionally get together for informal meetings at parks, libraries,
the zoo, etc... so that the children can interact socially and
learn about others, as well as their surroundings.
TEAM Southwest Homeschoolers
County Served: Allen
Contact Person(s): Heather
Rosbrugh, Administrator
Web Site: http://www.teamhomeschool.net
Comments: T.E.A.M. Southwest
Homeschoolers: Together, Educating And Mentoring is a group of
home schooling families whose purpose is to provide mutual fellowship,
support and education to other home schooling families in and
around the area of Fort Wayne, Indiana. We offer monthly gatherings,
field trips, Mom's Night Out and Fellowship, Kids Day Out, and
a children's playgroup. Attendance is open to all persons regardless
of religious affiliation.

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are several good regional and statewide e-lists for homeschoolers
throughout the state of Indiana. Because of the always changing
nature of many lists, it's hard to keep up with them. If you are
interested in finding a more specific or focused e-list, we suggest
you search YahooGroups.
You might also want to ask around on the IndianaHomeschoolers
List for recommendations. IndianaHomeschoolers is the largest
networking e-list in the state, and the best place to find answers
to most all homeschooling questions.
and Learn Fort Wayne
Contact/Moderator: Susan
Web/Subscribe: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LiveandLearnFortWayne/

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Homemade News
Comments: FWAHS' quarterly newsletter published in August,
November, February and May. The newsletter usually contains one
or two articles concerning home education, an opportunities section,
a calendar of events, a student forum, legislative news and classified
ads. Other sections are seasonal or topical in nature and change
as the need arises. The Homemade News is the Fort Wayne
area's one-stop resource for home education opportunities.
Also: to participate in the FWAHS' testing program or graduation
ceremony, your family must currently be a Homemade News subscriber.
The subscription rate is $14.00 for four issues or an individual
issue can be purchased for $4.00 each. You can download the subscription
form from our web site: http://www.fwahs.org.
You must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view or print
this file. For technical questions or if you are unable to download
a newsletter file, submit your name and address to subscriptions@fwahs.org
and FWAHS will mail you a form.

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This Month's Featured Shop/Affiliate - Check out the IHEN
Online Shop for more.
State Library Web Sites
This is a list of all libraries in the state with web sites.

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Ft. Wayne Hawks
County Served: Allen
Contact Person(s): Tina
Hatfield, Athletic Director
Phone: 260.492.9204
Comments: Ft. Wayne's northeast
homeschool basketball team for boys aged 11-18.
a local team sport or organization not listed here? Help other
Hoosier Homeschoolers by listing it in the IHEN Directory! USE

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Lincoln Museum
Contact: Mary E. Clements, Public Relations/Marketing Mgr.
Phone: 260.455.2730
Web: www.TheLincolnMuseum.org
Contact: Carrie
Web Address: http://www.sciencecentral.org
1950 N Clinton St. Fort Wayne, In 46805
Phone: 260.424.2400
Comments: Science Central creates an entertaining, informative,
interactive and family-oriented environment for children and adults
where the inspiration to do science, math and technology emerger
from "hands-on" participation.
Studios at Science Central

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