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CLCN (Christian Learning Center & Network)
County Served: Porter
Contact Person(s): Amy Berube
Web Site:
Comments: CLCN is comprised of Christian families who educate their own children. There are annual membership dues and a monthly e-mail newsletter listing the field trips, classes, and educational co-op.


hsLIFE: "Learning In a Family Environment"
County Served: Porter, Lake, LaPorte
Contact Person(s): Karen
E-mail Address(es):
Comments: We are a "field trip" group supporting all ages of homeschoolers in Northwest Indiana. We that keep in touch via the hsLIFE email loop. Since our group is activity based, all members agree to plan or assist with one trip or event per year. There is also a required planning meeting each summer to brainstorm together and share ideas for the direction of our group. Future plans include quarterly parent meetings, co-op learning opportunities, and a yearly family gathering.


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There are several good regional and statewide e-lists for homeschoolers throughout the state of Indiana. Because of the always changing nature of many lists, it's hard to keep up with them. If you are interested in finding a more specific or focused e-list, we suggest you search YahooGroups. You might also want to ask around on the IndianaHomeschoolers List for recommendations. IndianaHomeschoolers is the largest networking e-list in the state, and the best place to find answers to most all homeschooling questions.



Indiana Working and Homeschooling Moms
County Served: Porter
Contact Person(s): Andrea
Web Site:
Subscription Address/Instructions:
Comments: This list is for women in Indiana who homeschool their children and also work outside the home. If you don't feel like you quite fit in with the common mold (moms who homeschool but who are also stay at home moms too) then you've found the right place for love and support. Women CAN indeed have careers and also homeschool. If you feel the same way, please come and join us. This is a statewide e-list. No need to be just from Porter County to join.


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IHEN Journal


Kid's Newsletter
Comments: Newsletter written by homeschooled kids, poems, recipes, movie reviews, drawings, puzzles, and more.


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Indiana State Library Web Sites
This is a list of all libraries in the state with web sites

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Jostens-Homeschool Yearbooks
: The best way to make sure your organization or support group's members are on the same page and in the same place. Learn More.


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View Count:  04-07-15
Form Updated: 09-06-01

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