Answer 1303: What other e-lists does IHEN manage?

The Web Project maintains, moderates and affiliates with several e-mail discussion lists (e-lists) all having something to do with homeschooling. Some have more specific topics than others. Listed below are the lists we think you might like, followed by a short description. The list name links provided will subscribe you to that list by sending an e-mail from the account you are using now.

IndianaHomeschoolers: Indiana's largest statewide e-list on homeschooling. About any question you have can be answered here. Imagine a statewide support network ... and you're there!

IHEN Web Project List: If you are interested in volunteering to help out the Web Project, subscribe to this list and introduce yourself.

IHEN Books List: If you like talking about books, or hearing about the latest books that other Hoosier Homeschoolers are reading, check this list out.

IndianaSingleSchoolers: This list was a special request from single parents, in an effort to network with homeschooling parents in similar situations. Most asked question: "HOW DO YOU DO IT!

Have a list topic you'd like to suggest? Let us know at IHEN Web Services.

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