2009 - Volume
more posts from indianaHomeschoolers list
I promise.
The end of last year has been a busy one. Just
lots of things going on in our lives, and everyone else's lives
I suppose. But thankfully, there has been a great deal of helpful
advice and ideas on our statewide IndianaHomeschoolers
e-list. It has been finding the time to publish them here that
has been the problem.
Over the next few months, I'll try to skim some
of the more elloquent posts from our e-list. The posts that Help
Hoosiers Homeschool the most are the ones we would like to archive
on this site.
If you're a subscriber to IndianaHomeschoolers,
and you come across a post that others need to read, nominate
it for inclusion in The Hoosier Homeschooler. Just write
me, and I'll get right on it... when I find the time.
090218: We're starting off this volume with
a great post from Jerri Keller on how to homeschool an only child.
Her words were not only encouraging for the subscriber with the
original question, but aparently many long time homeschoolers
liked reliving the memories of their early years.

remember to look back
Don't forget to check out our archives of previous
posts to The Hoosier Homeschooler. You can read advice,
ideas and random thoughts of our contributors from Volume
1 and Volume 2 or just check
out a list of the Favorite Posts.
What do I do now?
Well... to get the notices of new material posted
to the web site, you should subscribe
to the HoosierHomeschooler YahooGroup. We'll use this broadcast
e-list to let diehard subscribers know when new material is out
and up on the web site.
What if I want to write for HoosierHomeschooler?
Want to get in on this? Absolutely possible!
Read our Hoosier Homeschooler Guidelines
Page. We'll see if we can get it out there: From the heart
of Hoosier Homeschoolers.
Here's to good writing, and thoughtful reading!
- Ben Bennett
Editor, The Hoosier Homeschooler

Post #3.000: Homeschooling
an Only Child Our new contributor, Jerri Keller,
answers a question about homeschooling an only child with her
experience: "I was absolutely scared to death that we would
end up as the silent mom and daughter sitting at the kitchen table
in stark solitude. So I jumped in like we were killing snakes
right out of the gate. I considered Socialization as one
of our core subjects and we made some financial commitments to
make it happen."
