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public school is not addressing my child's special needs or following IEP

The following are excerpts from letters we have received from parents interested in receiving help and information on homeschooling in Indiana. Specifics have been removed for privacy. We are publishing these posts in an effort to portray to the general public and the media, a more balanced picture of why parents are transferring their children out of their local public schools to educate them at home.


February 2009
Lake County

My son was diagnosed as being bipolar and having PDD. Rather than follow the IEP that was set in place for him, [the school employee] changed it at her will and then today blindsided us with trying to put him in a school 2 districts away out of general education. When all testing and diagnosises showed he needed to be in a general education class. So I have decided my best choice for him was to put his education first and teach him myself.

May 2008
Henry County

Both my daughters have been sent to home-bound. I have struuggled with the school for years. My girls have been taunted, and abused and now I have recieved a letter from the IDOE stating that this school district is not up to par for all special needs kids. One daughter is finishing 7th grade and one is finishing 10th grade. I need help.

March 2008
Allen County

My son has been having trouble with his special education teachers. So now they are trying to expell him. This upsets me so I am reasearching home schooling options.

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