Skip to "Why
Hoosiers are Homeschooling".
How many of you know that the volunteers with
the Indiana Home Educators' Network do more than just help manage
our IndianaHomeschoolers
How many of you know that since the turn of
the century, the partnership of the IHEN.org
Web Project and the IndianaHomeschoolers e-list has been helping
thousands of Hoosier parents decide if homeschooling is right
for them?
How many of you know that we have over a couple
dozen volunteer County
Contacts and Special
Needs Advisors available directly by e-mail and via our statewide
resource directory, who answer questions almost every day,
from parents interested in homeschooling?
Since September of 2007, we've received hundreds
of letters from parents who are interested in learning more about
homeschooling. One of the most frequent questions asked of homeschooling
parents is, "What made you decide to homeschool?" The
reasons parents are leaving public schools to homeschool that
we have been reading tends to be remarkably different from
what we read in the media. So we thought sharing some excerpts
might be of interest.
We've grouped the letters by topic or "reason
for homeschooling," with the most recent at the top. To respect
privacy, we are not using names or any identifying information
other than county or origin. Rest assured, however, the mail is
Most every one of these letters received a personal
reply from one of our volunteer County Contacts, as well as our
and a list of Quick
to get them started on their homeschooling journey. Without the
tireless help of these volunteers, IHEN wouldn't be able to Help
Hoosiers Homeschool
the way we do. If you are interested in volunteering as an IHEN
County Contact, you can write
to Carol Pozos, our County Contacts Project Director, for
more information. Our goal is to have a personal contact person
in every county in Indiana, Helping Hoosiers Homeschool. Nothing
more. Nothing less.
Why more Hoosiers are considering homeschooling:
School isn't meeting the needs of my child
Needs and IEP's aren't being met in public school