final word: who needs to know what, when?
Hoosier Homeschooler #1.001 | September,
There have been a couple of people who have
expressed confusion about what is called "Reporting Enrollment"
and transferring your child from a public school into a home school
(which is the same as a non-accredited, non-public school.)
This is -- from my reading of the law, my eleven
years experience homeschooling, and the analysis of the law that
I have seen -- what you need to do.
If you are new, kids never in school:
Start homeschooling. You are not required to tell anybody anything.
:) Keep attendance records. On the off chance that the superintendent
of schools would someday ask to see documentation, that is all
that you need to have.
If your kids are in school: Write a letter
to the school stating that you are transferring your children
to a private school. There is a sample
transfer request letter on the web site. The address
Keep attendance. (see above) That is all the
law requires.
If you are transferring your kids (not withdrawing,
that is a different animal in the eyes of public school employees,
and it's a term you should avoid) and the school says you have
to report enrollment, what you do is up to you. I wouldn't do
I would show them the law and go my way, but
that doesn't mean that that is what you have to do.
Just know this: that unless the state superintendent
*personally* asks you to report enrollment, you are not
required to do so under Indiana state law.
That's the final word.
